Each year, many French people leave to settle abroad at the time of their retirement to enjoy a more pleasant environment, a lower cost of living and tax advantages. Here are their favorite destinations.
Whether for the weather, the cost of living the tax advantages or even security, it is tempting to settle in another country to take full advantage of your retirement. This is what many French people do, who, even with a modest pension, can benefit from a more pleasant life, without moving too far from France, so as not to cut themselves off from their children And come back quickly if necessary.
Obviously, not all destinations are created equal. And the advantages vary over time and economic, climatic or legislative changes. This is why each year, the specialized retirement without border site establishes a ranking of the countries and viles most favorable to French retirees, taking into account developments. Here is his latest track record, with the 10 most suitable destinations.
Unsurprisingly, Portugal is at the top of the ranking. Its proximity to the metropolis (2 h 30 of plane from Paris or Lyon) and the community installed in France for many years encourage the French to go to the side of Lisbon, Porto or Faro. The sunny weather almost all year round is also a shock argument, without forgetting the 10 % reduced tax on retirement pensions for ten years. On the other hand, the cost of living is comparable to certain regions of France, especially in the capital, and the price of real estate up continuously.
The rest of the podium is completed by Spain and Greece. These two countries include the same positive points as Portugal, but in Spain, the cost of living is equivalent to that of the south of France, while Greece stands out for advantageous taxation for retirees who are taxed only 7 % of their income for 15 years.
The rest of the ranking takes us to Asia, where Thailand occupies 4th place. Its natural living environment and its very low cost of living attract seniors in search of a change of scenery. On average, a retired couple can live with less than 1,000 euros per month without worry. In Bali (9th) in Indonesia, there is even a special retired visa for a period of five years. On the other hand, the 10 hours hours of flight for France can be a drawback.
Ditto for Mauritius, ranked 5th. Located in the heart of the Indian Ocean, this destination attracts for its heavenly beaches and its integration facilitated by its French -speaking past. In addition, in this country, there is no wealth tax, no inheritance law, no real estate capital gains tax. However, the price of the plane ticket and life on the island can quickly cost very much.
Other destinations, other advantages with Morocco (6th) and Senegal (8th). Linguistic proximity to France is undoubtedly the main asset. For Morocco, a tax agreement dating from October 2024 allows a reduction of 50 %. But, since last January, the government has requested international health insurance for obtaining the retired residence permit. In Senegal, the cost of living is almost 60 % lower than in mainland France and many health establishments have opened in the country.
Finally, let us note Tunisia (7th), which offers a Mediterranean weather and magnificent desert decorations, and the Dominican Republic (10th)., Which opted for total tax exemption from foreign retirement pensions. In short, there is something for everyone and all budgets!