(Finance) – “To protect the physical and computer security of organizations, ideas are not enough, but it is necessary to invest to defend sensitive infrastructures”. THE‘CEO of the FS Group Stefano Antonio Donnarumma He intervened today at the presentation of the results of the First Security Risk Observatory, held in the auditorium of Villa Patrizi, home to State Railways In Rome on the occasion of the Safer Internet Day.
“During my career I was able to get to know the growing sensitivity of companies towards cyber risks up close – he said Donnarumma During his speech -. Today, however, it is necessary to continue to feed this culture of security to face with more and more promptness the many threats that involve the infrastructure and strategic assets of companies, as well as the topicality of railways these days teaches “.
The investigation presented by theItalian Association of Company Security Professionals and from Teha Group (The European House Ambrosetti) involved around 200 Security professionals. According to the interviewees, the three priorities in the field of security on which to invest are: threats on data (35%), violations of physical security (27%), ransomware attacks (26%). The cyber threats that according to the interviewees have a greater impact potential are respectively Ransomware (0.87% of the turnover), attacks on the supply chain (0.82% of turnover) and threats on data (0.69% of the turnover). Among the physical threats there are natural catastrophes which, if they materialize, weigh for 0.68 % of the turnover.
According to the study, i ransomware They are the main risk factor for companies with a turnover of less than 1 billion euros per year. For medium -large companies with turnover between 1 and 10 billion euros per year, instead the most probable and devastating threat according to the interviewees by the Observatory is that of adverse weather events.