HUNDEDS OF THOUSANDS OF ONTARIENS have received their “Taxpayer rebate,” A $ 200 cheque Promised Last Fall by Premier Doug Ford. If you have Yet, you sweat it, it’s likely on the way. Here’s What You Need To Know:
What’s with the Cheques?
The $ 200 Payments, Announced Ahead of the Progressive Conservative Government’s Fall Economic Stément, will cost the province an estimated $ 3 Billion.
The Government Says The Cheques Are Meant To Help Ontarians in an Affordability Crisis After Two Tough Years of High Inflation and Higher Interest Rates that Only Began Dropping Last Year.
“That’s money that families can use to pay their credit card after the holidays, to buy a winter coat for their kids, or to cover the cost of gassing up the family car to make up for the cost of the (federal) Liberal carbon Tax, ”Ford Has Said.
Opposition parties, Howwe, Say the Cheques Are Nothing More Than a Voting-Buying Scheme Ahead of the Feb. 27 Election, Called this Week.
“The first is attempting to scrap ontarians with their own money,” Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie Said Last Fall.
Who gets the money, and how?
UNLIKE SOME Federal Programs, There’s no way to directly DEPOSIT THE MONEY TO YOUR BANK Account. All Payments, Which Started Going Out Jan. 17, Will Come by Snail Mail.
Virtually Everyone in the Province who’s over 18, Lived in Ontario on Dec. 31, Filed A 2023 Tax Return and wasn’t bankrupt or in jail, will get a check. Families who Get the Canada Child Benefit Will Get Separate Cheques for Each Child Under 18.
What if i have got mine?
The province has set up an online system through service ontario to check on your check.
Visit and create an account to check the status of your – and only your – payment.
You’ll have to create an account login and provide the last Four Digits of your social insurance number, your birthdate and postal code of the mailing address on your canada returned agency tax.
After Creating An Account, The Website also Will Prompt You To Take Advantage Of Other Service Ontario Services, Such as Driver’s License Or Health Card Renewal Reminders.
How’s the Rollout Going?
Though the Rebate Program Really Only Require People to Wait For Cheques, There have been minor hiccups.
According to CBC and Global News Reports, some people Had from DEPOSITING THE CHEQUES, WHICH THEIR BANK WOULDN’T CLEAR. Only 150 to 200 people reportedly had this Issue, Linked to RBC. The Bank has Said the Issue has been resolved.
Cheques also have arrived for people who died in the last year. These cheques can be cashed by the deceased’s estate, by presenting them and proof of death at Banking Institutions, the province Says.
Recounded from Editorial
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