"Social relations exhaust them" : How to manage an introvert?

quotSocial relations exhaust themquot How to manage an introvert

So discreet that we sometimes forget that it is there, the introvert is, by nature, the one who draws attention to him only to be compared to others, and sometimes even harsh devalued. In a world where, as Jean de La Fontaine pointed out, “the reason for the strongest is always the best”, it reassures to have an erased colleague, who does not have an opinion on everything. Unable to put himself forward, he does not represent a danger for the career of others. A discredit which, in contrast, does not affect extroverts, because they are feared while admiring their plumb and their faconde. “Introverts like extroverts have personality traits located in an energy continuum, inwards for the former, outwards for the latter. However, in the business world, extraversion is very Valuing. Recharge in contact with others and flourish in particular in the salespeople. Conversely, the introvert, it will run out “, analyzes Marie-Victoire Chopin, doctor of psychology.

The introvert, often relegated to the role of substitute or lining, is generally perceived as the “small hand”. Wrongly. “A study conducted in the United States has shown that introverted leaders obtained better financial results when their team was proactive,” said the expert. “These personalities,” she adds, favor small groups, interpersonal relationships. They are not directive, “do not hinder creativity. They deepen and reflect. They take advice from others, which leads them to commit fewer errors. Whoever has an introvert in his team must thus become aware of the added value he brings. “We can cite qualities of creativity, concentration, modesty, listening as well as the ability to request opinions to make better decisions. They easily question themselves because they already naturally practice introspection”, states the psychologist.

The case of “false extroverts”

However, not all introverts are alike. “Maladive introversion can result from social anxiety, poor self -esteem, difficulty managing stress, leading to a withdrawal. This trait can also be part of a more important pathology,” describes Marie-Victoire Chopin. Also, the latter thus warns managers against the temptation of wanting to transform these people into someone that they are not: “They must understand that the attitude of the one who dares not express themselves can be there As a result of socio-emotional exclusion and a fear of being misunderstood, “she said.

There are also “false extroverts”. They give the impression of easily adapting to their environment, but in reality, they take a lot about them to integrate. “Social relations exhaust them mentally and physically and they need time to recover after interactions,” explains Marie-Victoire Chopin. In this context, open spaces, where it is difficult to isolate yourself, can be problematic because these people need to recharge their energy. If they do not multiply corporate evenings, it is because they need to rest, where extroverts can chain them without difficulty. Also, good management is also to leave them, if necessary, take off to recharge your batteries.

Are some sectors not recommended for introverts? Not at all, replies Marie-Victoire Chopin. Despite appearances, they can work perfectly in the commercial field, with an expert advice dimension and in head to head relations. In finance, their concentration capacity is retained; In computer science, their ability to detect faults and resolve dysfunctions. They also excel in brainstorming, have a great sense of the collective and build deep relationships. On one condition: think about the organization around their needs. Favor pairs, trinomes. “Ideally, you need mixed teams, on a human scale, where they can find their place,” she concludes.
