Finance journalist Henric Borgström Had a career that stretched several decades back in time. For several years he was active in “Report” on the then TV2 and then he joined and founded the economics on Sweden Radio in 1985.
During the career that followed, Borgström was a correspondent for Sweden’s Radio, the Business World and later Dagens Industri. He was also economic chronicles in several newspapers, including Sydsvenskan, Dagens Nyheter and Gothenburg Post.
Henric Borgström. Photo: Private Henric Borgström is described as “Eternal Journalist”
Through his job, Henric Borgström monitored some of the most significant economic events during our time.
– Henric had a publicist drive that few others in day media can compete with. He was a so -called “eternal journalist”, and in recent years he continued to regularly write chronicles in several newspapers until the disease a few weeks ago put a stop to, says Andreas Jelveforsjournalist and stepson to Borgström, in a press release.
Henric Borgström is dead – turned 82
Now Henric Borgström, surrounded by the family, has died after a short period of illness. He turned 82 years old.