Milleproroghe, new postponement. Oppositions: “withdraw scrapping”

Milleproroghe new postponement Oppositions withdraw scrapping

(Finance) – Continue to postpone the start of the works on the DL Milleproroghe in the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate. The session, scheduled for 6 pm, began but was immediately reconvened for 8 pm. In the meantime, a meeting between the government was held, present the Minister of Relations with Parliament Luca Ciriani, The majority and opposition to decide how to proceed. Some opinions of the MEF would arrive, but not yet everyone and the agreement did not find themselves to start voting for tonight. In the evening, therefore, a new postponement of the start of the amendments to the Milleproroghe Decree in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Senate was announced, which updated to tomorrow at 12. The oppositions have asked unit for the withdrawal of the amendment of the speakers who foresees The readmission to the quater scrapping for taxpayers who have not regulated the payments of the installments and who postpone two months, to 30 September 2025, the deadline for adherence to the composition with creditors. “They presented us without a technical relationship and without stamping an amendment that introduces a new composition and reopens the scrapping, it is not serious,” said the DEM PARTOPPOP IN THE COMMISSION Andrea Giorgis at the end of a meeting with the government.

On the table there is, in fact, the reopening of the Possibility to take advantage of the Quater Rotation of the tax folders For those taxpayers who had already joined but who then lapsed because they did not regulate payments of the installments regularly. The measure is contained in a Amendment of the speakers to the Milleproroghe decreepresented in the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate. According to the amendment, the taxpayers concerned are readmitted to the scrapping by presenting a new declaration by April 30, 2025 and paying the sums due, with the interest of 2% per year, in a single solution by 31 July 2025 or up to a maximum of ten consecutive installments. Are interested in the readmission to the scrapping of tax folders Taxpayers who, on 31 December 2024, have lapsed by the benefits for failure or late payment of the sums due. For those who present the new declaration, they are readmitted and choose to pay in installments, of equal amount, up to a maximum of ten, the deadlines are, respectively: the first two, on 31 July and 30 November 2025 and the subsequent ones, On February 28, May 31, July 31 and November 30 of the years 2026 and 2027.

We go to the postponement of two months, from 31 July 2025 to 30 September 2025, of the deadline for adherence to the composition with creditors For the two-year period 2025-2026. The measure is contained in an emanition of the speakers to the Milleproroghe decree to the examination of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate. With regard to taxpayers with tax period not coinciding with the calendar year, the term is deferred on the last day of the ninth month following that of closing the tax period. The deferral, explains the illustrative report, “is aimed at distributing the tax obligations considered to be the necessary start -up related to the new institution of the biennial condemnation more rationally”. According to the senator of the Democratic Party, Daniele Manda, The postponement of the term would be functional to allow adherence to the agreed also to those taxpayers who will first be able to regularize their position by taking advantage of the readmission to the quater scrapping of the folders envisaged in another amendment of the speakers to the Milleproroghe decree.

The possibility also comes for 2025 to resort to Contracts for “AGRICULTY AGREEMENT SUBSCRIBITIONAL TIME AFFICIAL” introduced for 2023-24 to replace vouchers. This is what an amendment of the speakers provides for the Milleproroghe decree filed in the Senate’s Constitutional Affairs Commission. The rule establishes the extension of this contractual form in the agricultural sector until the end of 2025 for seasonal performance for a duration of no longer than 45 per year per worker.
