CNPR Forum: the Digital Transformation has affected the labor market

CNPR Forum the Digital Transformation has affected the labor market

(Finance) – “The government has introduced measures to young people, women and families, expanding the flat tax and reducing the rate for new VAT matches. The decontribution for working mothers has been extended, including VAT matches. It focuses on financial education to guide young people in the world of work and on school to encourage training. Funds have been invested in the STEM subjects and in the collaboration with companies. The 4+2 school path aims to better qualify young people, with 90% who find work within one year from the diploma “. He said it Laura Cable themdeputy of the League in Finance Commission, during the CNPR Forum “Young and work, what future for Italian professionals?”promoted by Pension fund of accountants and accounting expertschaired by Luigi Pagliuca.

“Policies are needed to face social challenges, enhancing the role of women in work – he underlined Ylenia Zambit (PD), secretary of the Social Affairs Commission and work – and promoting flexibility with tools such as smart working and part -time on request. It is necessary to invest in families for families, making kindergartens more accessible and recognizing the role of caregivers. The reduction of wage gender gap passes through training and tax breaks for young professionals. It is essential to fill the gap between demand and demand of work and pay attention to the minimum salary, considered essential for workers and businesses “.

On the commitment of the government for the occupation of young people and women has focused Rosaria Tassinariparliamentarian of Forza Italia in the work commission in Montecitorio: “Italy is among the last in Europe for the balance between work and family. The government has supported employees, but more interventions are needed for freelancers, focusing on innovation, digitization and smart working. The growth of women in free professions requires support solutions. For young people, it is essential to encourage economic autonomy, with incentives for Under 35 hires. Furthermore, a measure has been approved to better integrate companies into the school and professional path “.

The themes of the right remuneration and training were highlighted by Valentina Barzottideputy of the M5S in the work commission: “The condition of young professionals in Italy is difficult, with an increase in emigration. The wages problem is central: adequate income and support during training are needed. It is necessary to enhance the services for private life, such as nursery schools, whose expansion is at risk. Four out of ten young people are underpaid, making new forms of work organization fundamental, such as remote work. Schools must adapt to digital changes and artificial intelligence, integrating new skills in programs to maintain competitiveness “.

During the debate, moderated by Anna Maria Belfortethe point of view of professionals was expressed by Mario Chiappuella, accountant and legal auditor of the Odcec of Massa Carrara: “Concrete interventions are needed to guarantee young professionals a balance between work and private life, especially with the growing female presence in the Albi . It is essential to offer economic and professional opportunities to avoid escape abroad. Training is increasingly central, with the labor market in constant evolution, requesting advanced skills in digitalization and artificial intelligence “.

The conclusions were entrusted to Paolo LongoniCouncilor of the National Institute accounting experts: “It is essential to promote flexibility in work, strengthening workers’ rights. Pandemic experience highlighted the importance of agile and part-time work. Investments in services for families are needed, such as nursery schools and caregiver support. Digital transformation has accelerated changes in the labor market, making it necessary to rethink the corporate organization. Smart working offers new opportunities, allowing companies to attract talents without geographical limits “.
