(Finance) – The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der leyendefended the International Criminal Court. “The CPI guarantees responsibility for international crimes and gives voice to victims all over the world. It must be able to freely pursue the fight against global impunity. Europe will always be in favor of justice and respect for international law”, has Written on X the president, now visiting Danzica, guest of the Polish presidency.
The comment came after the announcement of the American president Donald Trump to want to sanction the CPI with a order executive On charges of having improperly targeted the United States and Israel. The order will include both penalties financial That restrictions On the visas against the unpleasant officials of the CPI – and their family members – who participated in the investigations on US citizens or allies.
“There International Criminal Court condemns the emanation by the United States of an executive order aimed at imposing sanctions to their officials and damage their independent and impartial judicial work, “he commented on the institution.
Solidarity with the Court also came from the President of the European Council, Antonio Coastthat on his social channels he declared that “sanctioning the CPI threatens the independence of the Court and Mina the international criminal justice system as a whole” https://www.Finance.it/detaglionews/137_2025-02-07_TLB/. “The executive order represents a serious challenge to the work of the CPI with the risk of influencing the investigations he is proceedings In progress, also with regard to Ukraine, affecting years of efforts to guarantee responsibility all over the world “, has instead declared a spokesman for the European Commission, which” expresses his regret for the United States decision to impose sanctions to the International Criminal Court “.
THE’UN Meanwhile, he asked the United States to revoke the sanctions from the International Criminal Court. “We deeply deplore the individual sanctions announced yesterday against the staff of the Court and ask that this measure be revoked,” said the spokesman for the United Nations Office for Human Rights, Ravine Shamdasani.