Dogs and cats are two of the most common pets in Sweden. While dogs are often described as happy and loving creatures, the cats can often be described as unpredictable. Maybe it’s because we find it harder to interpret their body language.
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Learn to distinguish between cat’s feelings
An insecure cat – Two signs that your cat feels insecure may be that it licks itself on the nose or goes low with long steps while it turns on its ears.
A scared cat – May have the ears printed along the head and search with your eyes after a hiding place. It can also push itself against the floor.
A cat that feels threatened – And which can be perceived as aggressive can mill, wipe or spit. It can also be completely silent. The bend the cat on the back and the coat is buried up is also a sign of a dissatisfied cat. The ears are often placed flat on the head in a backward direction.
A happy cat – Walking relaxed and likes to lie down on the back or side. However, this does not have to indicate that the cat wants to be patted. Yet another sign of a cat that feels comfortable is that it treads with its paws.
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Photo: Martina Holmberg / Ttkattens tail says a lot
When a dog is waving the tail, it is often a sign that it is happy, but when a cat does it it can mean something completely different. The situation on the cat’s tail can say a lot to you as the owner.
Waving the tail – May be a sign that the cat is annoyed, upset or feels contradictory. How fast the tail moves can determine how strong emotions the cat feels. A slow tilting tail indicates irritation while one that goes quickly from side to side indicates anger.
The tail tip moves – Since only the tail tip moves, it can indicate excitement before a hunt.
Lowered tail – If the cat has its tail lowered, it can mean that it feels worried, submissive and that it stays a little awaiting.
Straight tail – An upright tail gives signs of a happy cat.
It tries the cat to say to you
Jams – The cat’s way of catching your interest and explaining that it wants you something. This can apply to both food and play or that we open the front door so that it can go out. The sound may differ slightly and you as an owner will be able to learn what means what.
Curkers – A sprouting cat can be both a greeting or a sign that the cat sees something it likes.
Spinner – The sound of a cat spinning is a sign of a happy and satisfied cat. Studies have also shown that it is good for the cat’s health to spin.
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Photo: Tomas Oneborg/tts so do you get your cat to smile
In one study Made in 2020 by psychologists at universities in Portsmouth and Sussex, they investigated how people can communicate with cats. The study showed that it is possible to build a relationship with cats by communicating with their eyes.
When a cat is peeing and blinking slowly, it is also a sign that it feels well -being, it is usually said that it is the cat’s way of smiling. According to the study, people can use the same technology with their eyes to make contact with the cats.
The study showed that if you as an owner blink slowly to your own cat, the cat is more inclined to blink back, ie smile at you. There was a greater chance that your cat would smile at you if you use this technique than if you are only in the room. Even when an experimenter slowly blinked at a cat, it was more prone to flash back. Another conclusion they were drawn was that the cat approached the exprimentor after the person used the technology.
Source: Arken Zoo
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