The verdict fell: 6000 children chose the word of the year 2024 and it carries a strong message

The verdict fell 6000 children chose the word of the

Thousands of children have retained a single word to summarize the year 2024. A choice that speaks volumes about their concerns …

Each year, children have the opportunity to choose the word which, according to them, best represents the past year. A linguistic exercise, but also a reflection of the torments and aspirations of the youngest. In 2024, more than 6,000 girls and boys aged 6 to 14 participated in this initiative organized by the Oxford University Press (OUP), proving their commitment to decipher the world around them. After a first selection of three words, a limited group designated the final word.

For the year 2023, it was the term “climate change” that had won, illustrating the growing environmental consciousness of the new generations. And in 2024? If the second step of the podium displays “Artificial Intelligence”, reflecting the growing interest of young people for technology and innovation, the word which wins the gold medal surprises by its positivity. An inspiring choice proving that, despite crises, uncertainties and societal upheavals, young people valued mutual aid and sweetness in human interactions. We are talking about the term “kindness” here.

Andrea Quincey, director at OUP, said: “Young people have long been aware of the big questions that divide our society and the key role that language plays to bring people closer.” She adds: “This underlines the importance of empathy, tolerance and the words we use. Gentil is not only a response to many problems, it is also a force within everyone’s reach.” One of the participants also explained : “You never really know what the other is going through, so it is important to be nice to all those we meet. We never know how much our kindness can help someone.”

A reflection which shows how kindness is perceived not only as a value, but also as a necessity. Behind this choice, there is an increased awareness of children on subjects such as mental health, harassment and the impact that social interactions can have. More than a simple word, “kindness” here becomes a real message addressed to adults: a call for more sweetness in a sometimes difficult world.
