At 12.30, the police received an alarm about a act of violence in a residential area in Halmstad.
It was quickly found that it was a false alarm.
However, the news of the effort was able to spread and led to a school nearby housing.
– – A false alarm can cause a lot of problems and great concern, says police spokesman Fuxborg.
Police, emergency services and ambulance received an alarm at lunchtime about several injured people in a residential area in Halmstad.
Police say the alarm was about a suspected abuse.
– There should be several people who have struggled outside a house in a residential area. Someone says someone has a weapon and someone should possibly be knife cut, says Thomas Fuxborg at the police.
False alarms
The alarm came at 12.26. When the police arrived at the scene, a few minutes later, they found no signs that anything should have happened.
– We check stairwells and patrols have talked to residents in the area. We are also calling around to different hospitals if they received some injured people, said Thomas Fuxborg then.
Soon it is noted that it was a false alarm.
School housed
However, the news of the police operation was able to spread and a school nearby was housed and locked. In addition, someone alerted that you should have heard gunfire at the school in question.
– It is a person who will pick up his child at the school who has heard that there must have been a shooting in the area and tells it. It results in the school being accommodated, and one gives birth to the other. Nothing has happened, says Thomas Fuxborg.
– Everyone here is on their toes regardless of business. A false alarm can cause a lot of problems and great concern, says Fuxborg.