The right of the soil hardened than expected?

The right of the soil hardened than expected

22:47 – For Gérald Darmanin, “public debate must open up to soil law in our country”

Ex-minister of the interior, now keeping of the buckets, Gérald Darmanin said Thursday evening favorable to a constitutional reform on soil law, after the adoption of the LR bill aimed at restricting the law to soil to Mayotte. “Today, I would be in favor of the French can decide on this kind of question during a presidential election in 2027 or during a referendum which would be decided by the President of the Republic,” said the Minister of the Justice.

21:50 – “We will correct in the Senate!” : the socialist Boris Vallaud issues reserves

The Amendment UDR approved to everyone’s surprise and in the confusion has not ultimately been the subject of a new vote. “We will correct in the Senate!” Browed the Keeper of the Seals, Gérald Darmanin. “We do not trust any [la] ability [de Gérald Darmanin] To carry out things “in the Senate, said Boris Vallaud, the boss of the socialists in the Assembly, disappointed on Thursday evening.

20:19 – The bill aimed at restricting the law of the soil to Mayotte adopted by the deputies

At the end of a session to say the least, 162 of the deputies spoke for the adoption of the bill of the Republicans, 93 against. It is “a great step forward to fight against irregular immigration which deeply disorganizes this magnificent French archipelago”, welcomed the Keeper of the Seals, Gérald Darmanin.

19:44 – A right amendment that hardens the text adopted in a most total confusion

Thursday evening, to everyone’s surprise, an amendment deposited by the Union of Laws for the Republic, led by Éric Ciotti, a great ally of the National Rally, was adopted. To everyone’s surprise, because this text, which aims to even harden the bill for deputy LR Philippe Gosselin, was approved by a dozen socialist deputies, three environmentalists and a communist, while five RN deputies, who wanted, They vote for voted against. General confusion. Initially proposing to organize a new deliberation on the amendment so that everyone can revive as they wish, the Keeper of the Seals, Gérard Darmanin, finally launched an astonishing: “We will correct the Senate! “

Since 2018, in Mayotte, a child born in the archipelago of foreign parents can only obtain French nationality if one of the two parents was legally on site at least three months before his birth. The republican bill wants that it is now both parents who have to justify a legal presence on the archipelago and for at least a year before the child’s birth. The UDR amendment which was approved pleads to triple this duration of residence, three years.

18:44 – “But are you serious?” : Live exchange between a Mahoran MP and LFI

The elected officials are opposed to the LR bill on the hardening of soil law, like all the other left forces, but some have taken part of the elected Mahorais, as the deputy Liot Estelle Youssouffa, accusing them of not Having voted the government’s censorship yesterday, but also not to have done enough for Mayotte. “I saw you for a lot of time spending on TV to defend what is defensible, that’s for sure. But where were you during the holidays while we, in LFI, traveled the whole territory to harvest Donations, sending water and foodstuffs? “Launched the deputy Sébastien Delogu to the elected Mahoraise.

Estelle Youssouffa did not be asked to answer: “During the holidays, while you were doing your little tour of Popotes, I was on my island, counting, to be with the population […] Who no longer has a roof, no longer to eat, more public services, more hospital. “And the elected to point the comments she considers indecent of LFI:” The population and I have lost everything and You come to boast of doing your charity. But are you serious? You no longer have any decency. “

Continuing on her momentum, the deputy put the elected officials in the face of their contradictions recalling that the rebellious elected officials had abstained or had voted against the emergency law before accelerating the reconstruction of the devastated archipelago. Out of 71 elected officials, 2 had against and 67 had abstained.
