the first reactions to Choguel Maïga’s speech before the National Transitional Council

the first reactions to Choguel Maigas speech before the National

In Mali, the Prime Minister responded to the members of the National Transitional Council on Thursday, he defended the results of his ten months as Prime Minister, and made a few announcements, in particular on the duration of the transition. The opponent Amadou Aya reacts to the statements of the head of government.

Despite delays in the announced program, and attributed in particular to ECOWAS sanctions, Choguel Maiga once again congratulated itself on the rise of the army, he especially assured that the process leading to elections would be implemented and that he gave himself 24 months for this. Two more years of transition therefore, a period over which the head of government was firm, while ensuring that discussions with ECOWAS, which requires a maximum of 16 months, would continue.

► Read also : in Mali, Choguel Maïga reassures the Council of the transition on the keeping of the electoral timetable

How does the Malian political class react to this announcement? Choguel Maïga, who faced sometimes very virulent interventions, did he convince? Several political figures close to the Prime Minister, requested by RFI, did not wish to speak on our antenna. This is not the case of the opponent Amadou Aya, executive secretary of the Jigiya Kura alliance, itself a member of the Framework which brings together the opposition parties, at the microphone of David Bache of the African editorial staff of RFI.

The essential question of disarming the militias: he did not pay attention to it! The redeployment of the administration where he had indicated 93 actions to be done… but we are sorry to see that it is 0!

he was not convincing on the question of the economy concerning the response plan he had announced (the economic response plan to the sanctions of ECOWAS, editor’s note),…” And while the World Bank, the AfDB and also the AFD announce that they are suspending disbursements ” there was no clear answer as to how to support companies or consultants who are already engaged with these funders.

He was not convincing on the political situation, because he did not manage to gather, he also could not advance on the reforms, political and institutional.

Choguel Maiga also announced that despite the negotiations still underway with ECOWAS, the extension of the transition would be four months, it’s firm.

It’s contempt for the Malian political class, strikes Amadou Aya again, it’s contempt for Malians, it’s contempt even for ECOWAS, because you can’t be in negotiations and then announce unilaterally that you’re going to extend 24 months… We’re going to oppose ! »
