Do you know what are the 9 essentials for a zero waste life?

Do you know what are the 9 essentials for a

Garbage cans are overflowing all over the world. But it is possible to change things. By adopting new reflexes, most of them very simple. Zero waste reflexes that protect our planet while improving our quality of life.

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In 2016, each French person produced 4.6 tonnes of waste (figures Ademe). Of which, 568 kilograms of household and similar waste. But if our trash cans fill up speed lightning, it is mainly because of single-use products that we tokens daily. Cotton discs, Cotton swabs, coffee capsules, plastic bottles plastic. They are so practical that it may seem difficult to do without them. However, there are alternative solutions.

L’application Midowtopia offers to discover and test some of them. In particular those offered by the Pulseurs registered on the co-ideation platform EDF Pulse & You. A campaign “Zero waste”Has in fact made it possible to collect the best ideas by matter and group them together in one zero waste encyclopedia. By offering you to test their game, the developers of Midowtopia hope to encourage you to adopt the right actions in this area. Real-world challenges to clean up a virtual island. And further, participate in saving the planet.

Midowtopia invites you to save the planet by playing. © eGreen, YouTube

To get you started, here are some essentials for a new zero waste life.

The tote bag

In the world of zero waste, our grandmothers’ shopping net is making a comeback. In this somewhat outdated form or in the form of a canvas tote bag or a wicker basket. The main thing is that it is reusable. And if it can be made from eco-friendly materials, that’s of course even better.

For larger purchases, also consider the shopping cart. But don’t forget to be careful to limit food waste. It also contributes to a zero waste life.


In the world, it sells more than 6,000 plastic water bottles… per second! But there is a solution to limit this source of waste: the gourd. However, avoid plastic or plastic water bottles. aluminum. They may contain substances that are harmful to your health. So prefer glass gourds – but be careful of breakage – or glass gourds. stainless steel. They will allow you to take water with you wherever you go, from the office to the gym. And some are even isothermal.

Bulk purchases

To limit the amount of packaging thrown in the trash, you now have more and more the option of purchasing in bulk. However, remember to bring reusable containers. Glass preferably, always to avoid possible transfers of harmful products from plastic containers. Not to mention the fact that glass is generally more easily recyclable. And the glass containers can also be used to accommodate your lunch. What to avoid ready-made meals, also not recommended for health.

Homemade household products

Baking soda, vinegar and black soap. Thanks to these three ingredients – plus a littleessential oils -, you should be able to make all the household products necessary to keep your home clean and healthy. All without increasing the number of plastic bottles and other sprays. While saving money and protecting your health.

Note that today, these “homemade” household products are also found in stores that offer bulk.

Solid in the bathroom

Speaking of plastic bottles, those that parade in our bathrooms are numerous. From shampoo to soap and shower gel, everything is also available in format solid and with packaging limited to the strict minimum.

To avoid having to throw away toothpaste tubes one after the other, opt for homemade toothpaste, from baking soda, white clay and a little essential oils, mint or lemon.

Washable cotton

This has theair You’re welcome, but disposable cotton pads are a scourge when it comes to waste. Not to mention the pollution generated by cotton production. Make-up removal, cleaning baby’s buttocks, disinfecting a wound. On average, we would use no less than six per day. However, there too, there is an alternative solution: that of washable cotton. There are several types, organic cotton, bamboo or eucalyptus, depending on usage. And well maintained, they can be reused up to 500 times.

From repairs to the occasion, via pooling

Apart from so-called household waste, others also fill our bins: electronic waste or appliances. When we change smartphone while the old one still works, for example. To really get started on the path to a zero waste life, think about repairing when your device breaks down, buying second-hand that allows you to reuse a product that someone else has bored of. , or even, to the mutualisation – of mower between neighbors of a district, for example, or of a raclette machine in family.

Different gifts

Finally, at Christmas or for birthdays, avoid overconsumption. Limit the number of gifts and promote the sharing of good times with family or friends. And opt for eco-responsible gifts. Or better, for gifts to live. A dinner at the restaurant, a weekend in a cabin or a day of tree climbing will make at least as many people happy.

Subject produced in collaboration with the EDF Pulse & You teams

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