Between the president and the army, who really governs the country? – L’Express

Between the president and the army who really governs the

For several months, tensions between France and Algeria have been at the highest. An illustration of the overall crisis that Algiers has been going through in recent years, has weakening on the diplomatic scene, economic difficulty and contestation of the power in place.

Read also: Who actually governs in Algeria? Between President Tebboune and the army, investigates an unstable agreement

We are November 1, 2024, in the streets of Algiers. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the War of Independence against France, an impressive military parade is organized. Under hundreds of green and white flags with a red moon crescent, tanks are aligned. The President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune, 79, underlines the importance of this parade: “A memorable birthday embodying glory, dignity and pride.” The head of state then reviews the troops, with his side Saïd Chengriha, the chief of staff of the army, also 79 years old.

A few weeks later, on December 29, during the traditional annual speech on the state of the nation before the Parliament, it was the soldier who sits right in front of the president. The links between the two men are undeniable, but these two scenes question all the diplomacies of the world: between the elected official of the people and the general, who is the true holder of power in Algeria?

To go further

Algeria: “All the ingredients are gathered so that the Hirak leaves”

France – Algeria: “Between Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Emmanuel Macron, the rupture is consumed”

Pierre Vermeren: “French services fear that Algeria rocks in chaos”

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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation and writing), Jules Krot (realization)

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Logo: Jérémy Cambour

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