Now it is easier for visually impaired to take a driver’s license

Now it is easier for visually impaired to take a

Sweden has previously had determined strict requirements regarding the level of requirements for visual field reduction.

The new rules mean that you are at the same level as both Norway and the UK.

It reports Sweden’s radio.

Thousands lose the driver’s license

Each year, about 1,000 people lose their driver’s license due to vision loss.

According to the Swedish Transport Agency, several of these could retain the driver’s license with the new lowered requirements.

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A matter of light sensitivity

The new rules allow a certain reduction in light sensitivity in the field of view.

This applies to both lower and higher eligibility.

Sweden has previously had requirements that have been higher than the prevailing EU standard, but now the rules are at the same level as Norway and the UK.

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Valid from February 1

The new rules began to apply February 1st. The Swedish Transport Agency sees no risk that the number of traffic accidents had increased as both countries have a high road safety standard.

In addition, private individuals can now turn to opticians to a greater extent instead of further burdening the health care.
