So far, the judge frozen Trump’s company to restrict the acquisition of citizenship Brief news

The federal judge’s decision to freeze the implementation of Trump’s implementation order so far throughout the country.

In the United States, a federal judge blocked on Wednesday Donald Trump The company restricts the birth court of citizenship, says, among other things, The New York Times.

Maryland’s federal judge’s decision to freeze the implementation of Trump’s implementation order so far throughout the country.

Earlier in January, the Washington Federal Judge ordered a 14 -day postponement to implement the Trump Regulation.

Scheduling nationality birthdays has been one of Trump’s most controversial implementation regulations, which was expected to enter into force nationwide on 19 February.

The United States Constitution has guaranteed citizenship for anyone born in the country after the Civil War in 1868.

Trump hoped to change this order by presidential decree or with the support of the Supreme Court so that citizenship would no longer be guaranteed by a child born to a parent in the United States.
