Happy vassaling or being the protagonist? Mattarella: “EU must choose”

Happy vassaling or being the protagonist Mattarella EU must choose

(Finance) – “Europe intends to be the subject in the international dispute, an area in which others exercise their influence, or, instead, to become a subject of international politics, in the affirmation of the values ​​of one’s own civilization? Can accept to be crushed between oligarchie And autocracies? With, at most, the prospect of a “happy vassalage”. You have to choose: be “protected” or be “protagonists”? “.The President of the Republic said so, Sergio Mattarellain a long speech at the University of Marseille in which he stressed that the University is the most suitable place “to question himself on the situation of international relations and on the state in which the order is found that our countries have helped to define “.

“International interlocutors must know they have in Europe Un balance reference for common peace and growth policies. A custodian and a patronage of the rights of the person, of democracy, of the state of law “.

“Anyone who thinks that these values ​​are challenged knows that, in the wake of its precursors, Europe will not betray freedom and democracy “said Mattarella.
