The world of Warhammer 40,000 is full of intrigue and complex, branched actions that have been developing for decades. In this story there is a man who surpasses many others – even the famous Horus. Because it is the reason why the greatest traitor of mankind has become a traitor at all.
Erebus is a name that even some fans of Warhammer probably do not know or not very well. And if you know it, you usually hate him, because Erebus is indirectly or directly responsible for most bad things of recent times in the universe.
The man is considered a traitor, but strictly, none is, because: he never really believed in the imperator, but has been a follower of the dark gods for always – even if it himself became clear to him later.
The intrigue committed his first betrayal as a child when he strangled the about the same age, but much more good -natured Erebus and accepted his identity. From then on his path just went deeper into the dark.
A manipulative intrigue without the same
The greatest tragedy in the history of the empire is the great brother war, or the “Horus-Häresie”. Two men are largely responsible for them: Horus, whom you also see in the cover picture, and LORGAR, the primary of the Luna Wolves (later Sons of Horus) or the Word Bearers.
Erebus is thanks to the fact that the whole thing took its course in the first place. The short version: LORGAR and his Word Bearers wanted to worship the imperator as God, which he categorically rejects.
Since the imperator expects his sons, i.e. the primary, and the Space Marines, to be role models, he punishes the Word Bearers. Erebus finally turns to the humiliated Legion and introduces them to “other gods”, which they can worship instead.
At that time, Erebus has already become a Space Marine. Since he was born on the home world of the Word Bearers, the right naturally brought him to the legion in which he rose quickly through his charisma.
When he was actually faithful to the Empire, he had to deceive LORGAR, but finally manages to convert him to chaos. Through a later intrigue, he succeeds at Horus by only injuring it with a special sword and then offering the only healing.
Erebus is the man who split the empire
Perhaps the greatest crime that Erebus actually committed immediately and himself is the summon of the doom tower (English: “Ruinstorm”). This storm was so enormous that part of the Terra empire was cut off.
As a result, the primary of the Ultramarines, Roboute Guilliman, created a second empire out of panic. Since the two parts of the empire were cut off and could not communicate, weakened armies had to assert themselves against chaos. That only succeeded with difficulty.
By the way, the empire is shared again today.
To Erebus’ other misdeeds include:
“You have to admire your determination”
Erebus is only partially popular in the community, at least among empire -spraying fans, but despite his malice, many respect their targeted thinking. In a thread on Reddit, users discuss exactly this.
Even before he even met the imperator for the first time, Erebus already knew that he wanted to plunge the ruler of humanity. After the meeting he was pretty much the only one who was not captured by the divine charisma.
The fans love Erebus for being a “uncompromising, incorrigible asshole in a setting full of morally ambigous characters”. A real villain among people who are neither really good nor really bad.
Although Erebus is the driving force behind most events of the Great Brother War, the root is somewhere else-and Warhammer fans are always looking for connections between the whole Dumstern: Fan believes that a heat-headed leader almost destroyed the empire in Warhammer- Community explains: a god is to blame