What is Scorer? Symptoms and treatment of scorer disease

Vitamin C It is a type of vitamin that can be dissolved in water. It is also referred to as ascorbic acid and has various benefits for human health. It has a strengthening effect of the immune system in the body. It is also considered a strong source of antioxidant that provides repair and growth of tissues in the body. Various diseases may occur in case of lack.

What is Scorer?

Vitamin C deficiency can be seen as a harbinger of many diseases. One of these diseases is the disease called scorer as a result of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C deficiency, which is extremely important in situations such as the body’s immune system, collagen production, tissue repair, some problems are seen in bones, skin and gums.

It is also known as a deficiency of vitamin C directly. The lack of vitamin C in the body will cause the formation of a disease called score, as the basic proteins that the body should take will be missing.

What are the symptoms of scorer?

Vitamin C lack of various disorders and complaints in the body begin to appear. Negative situations that develop with the deterioration of the immune system are considered a symptom of the disease. The most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Gum bleeding
  • Status of fatigue and weakness
  • Skin bruising
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Anemia
  • Depression and peace
  • Frequent illness due to the weak immune system

What are the treatment of scorer?

Scorer is a known disease. It is accepted that the basic management is the intake of vitamin C. In general, there is a rapid healing with vitamins C in the form of syrup or tablets. In addition, consumption of foods containing vitamin C is also recommended by doctors in the treatment process. The following nutrients are some of the foods containing vitamin C:

  • Pepper
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and chard
  • Nervous
