Critical Warning from the Expert Name: Sudden pain in the arm and leg can threaten life!

Cardiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Mahmut Yain, especially in patients with diabetes and smokers very common peripheral artery disease warned. Peripheral artery disease, medicine “peripheral artery disease” also known as Assoc. Dr. “Peripheral artery disease is usually partially or completely blockage of an artery in your leg. This blockage may occur slowly or suddenly over the years. If blood cannot reach some parts of your body, tissue dies from the lack of oxygen,” he said.

Persons at risk

Pointing out that peripheral artery disease is more common in smokers and people with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, Assoc. Dr. Mahmut Yain, shared the following information:

“In a leg that comes while walking between the symptoms of the disease and passes when you rest pain or cramps. In severe peripheral artery disease, your leg may constantly hurt and you may have skin wounds. If your leg arteries are suddenly clogged completely, gangrene and blockage is not opened immediately, it may even cause amputation. Therefore, if your arm or leg suddenly becomes painful, cold and pale, go to the hospital immediately. Your arteries may be clogged “

Pointing out that there are some factors that increase the risk in peripheral artery disease, Assoc. Dr. Mahmut Yesin, including atherosclerosis (vascular hardening, lubrication), smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, the presence of vascular disease in the family, being male and obese as the biggest risk factors, he said.

Watch out for these symptoms!

Mahmut Yain, in peripheral artery disease, the arteries in the person as a result of the narrowing of the person listed as follows:
“Pain, pain, cramping or fatigue (intermittent lamp) in the leg that occurs when you walk and passes with a short rest, not to walk as far away as before, feel pain even when resting, wounds on your toes or heel, long -lasting skin wounds. See a doctor “

“Drug or angio can be applied in treatment”

Referring to the treatment paths in peripheral artery disease Assoc. Dr. Mahmut Yain, drugs that help to increase blood flow can be used or if necessary, angioplasty (balloon-stent treatment) can be applied, he said. Assoc. Dr. Eat, in late cases if the arm or leg cells are dead, the relevant organ may be cut (surgical removal) may be necessary, he added.

“9 vital suggestions to prevent the disease”

Pointing out that peripheral artery can be prevented by some lifestyle changes and precautions, Mahmut Yain, “Stop drinking igara. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day a week. To prevent your feet to avoid wound

“Early diagnosis can be prevented from cutting legs”

In the event of early diagnosis, the treatment of peripheral artery disease is very easy and it is possible to prevent leg cut Assoc. Dr. Mahmut Yain, “After the opening of the vessels without surgery, wounds heal faster and the risk of amputation almost completely disappeared,” he said.

