(Finance) – The profit assets of taxes of BnlItalian controlled of the French group BNP Paribasis 202 million euros in the fourth quarter of 2024, in a strong increase compared to the same period of 2023 and, after the attribution of a third of the results of private banking to the business wealth management (IPS division), BNL generates a Useful doors of 195 million euros, upwards of +94.2%/4T23. This is stated in the note on the results of the entire group, where it is explained that the significant growth of BNL profits reflects the good quality of the bank’s activity and its solid risk management, with a positive scissor effect.
THE deposits They are increasing by 2.1%/4T23 with growth in the segments of corporate clientele and private banking. The use They are falling compared to the 4T23 of 2.9% as a whole and 1.8% on the perimeter net of deteriorated credits. Stable uses, however, in the 4T24/3T24 comparison (+0.1%) reflecting, in the last quarter, the return to the growth of the production of new medium and long -term loans in the corporate segment. The indirect collection (life insurance, mutual funds and administrative savings) records a rise of 6.2% compared to 31/12/2023 thanks to the growth of mutual funds and the collection administered. The net collection in private banking stands at 1.9 billion euros in 2024 and is reflected in a growth of the managed masses equal to 4.7% in the comparison year on year.
The intermediation margin It stands at 724 million euros (+2.8%/4T23). The margin of interest It is increasing by 2.5% thanks to the growth of margins on deposits and the positive contribution of short-term uses, partly counterbalanced by the drop in volumes in medium-long term loans. The commissions grow by 3.2%/4T23, thanks to the increase in financial commissions, partially counterbalanced by the drop in banking ones. THE operating costsequal to 461 million euros, are down by 0.9% for expenses containment shares. The scissor effect is positive, equal to 3.7 percentage points. The gross management result amounts to 263 million euros (+10.0%/4T23).
The Cost of riskequal to 58 million euros, is falling and stands, in the quarter, to 32 basis points in relation to customers to customers, with a clear drop due to the reduction of the portfolio of deteriorated credits and the structural improvement of the risk profile. Since 2014 this indicator is constantly decreasing (46 pb in 2024).