Cars, MIT: 133,692 registrations in January (-5.86)

Cars MIT 156 million registrations in 2024 05

(Finance) – The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport announces that in January 2025 they were registered 133,692 cars In the face of 142,010 registrations recorded in the same month of the previous year, equal to a decrease of 5.86%. THE Property transfers There were 474,480 compared to 459,360 steps recorded in January 2024, with an increase of 3.29%. The global volume of monthly sales, equal to 608,172, involved 21.98% new cars and 78.02% used cars.

“The Italian car market opens 2025 with the least sign (-5.9%), recording the sixth consecutive monthly decline-he says Roberto Vavassori, president of the National Automobilistic Industry Supply Association – Also thanks to one working day less than in January 2024 (21 days against 22). It is clear that European policies continue to impact our national reality, with a weak internal market -remember that the year just passed has closed at -0.5% on 2023 EA -18.7% on 2019 -and a production chain in difficulty. Elements, these, which remark the need to adopt a European rational driving plan towards the objectives of 2035, as discussed also on the occasion of the strategic dialogue on the future of the European Automotive Industry started on 30 January by the President of the EU Commission. We must intervene quickly, acting on multiple factors: to predict flexibility in the regulation on emissive targets, stimulate the European local content and encourage the technological innovation of the supply chain to protect and increase their competitiveness in the global scenario “.

The Petrol cars – notes Anfia – they see the January market down by 17%, with market share at 26.9%; Likewise, diesels drop by 41.6%, with 9.6%share (first time below 10%). Mild and Full Hybrid cars grow by 10.6% in the month, with a share of 44.6%. The enrollments of rechargeable cars (BEV and PHEV) increase by 65.6% in January and represent 8.6% of the market of the month (in January 2024 it was 4.9%). In detail, the Electric car (ber) have a 5% share in the month and sales increase by 126.2%, while the Plug-in hybrid (PHEV) increase by 21%, with a share of 3.6%. Finally, the gas cars They represent 10.2% of the January enhancement, entirely composed of LPG cars (which are down: -12.2% in the month). The monthly fee of methane cars is negligible, only a car has been registered.

In January, Fiat Panda, Jeep Avenger, Fiat 600, Alfa Romeo Junior and Peugeot 208 Hybrides They occupy the first, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth position respectively between the Mild/Full Hybrid cars. Among the electric, Citroen C3 is the second
Best cars and exceeds Jeep Avenger, which goes down to fourth position, followed by Fiat 500 in fifth place.

With reference to the market for segments, in January 2025 the utilitarian and superiutilitarian cars –Prosegian Anfia – represent 35.8% of the market, with volumes down by 2.4% compared to those of last January. The best -selling model of the category remains Fiat Panda. The Stellantis group are also found in the Top Ten of January also Citroen C3 in third place, Peugeot 208 at the Quarto and Opel Corsa al Sesto. The cars of the average segments have a share of 8.6% in January, with a 12.5% ​​market compared to the same month of 2024. In the standings in sixth place, Fiat Tipo represents the Stellantis group, together with Citroen C4 and Peugeot 308, respectively
eighth and ninth. THE SUV They have a market share of 52.6%, with volumes down 8.2% compared to January 2024. In detail, small SUVs represent 11.7% of the market of the month (+3.7% Compared to January 2024), compact SUVs 25.4% (-21%), average SUVs 9.7% (+5.2%), while large SUV sales are 5.8% of the total (+26.1%). 20.3% of the SUVs sold in January is a brand from the Stellantis group. Jeep Avenger in January confirms the first position in the top ten of small SUVs. Stellantis is present in the top ten with Fiat 600 in fourth place, Alfa Romeo Junior al Quinto and Opel Mokka at the eighth. Among the compact SUVs, Peugeot 2008 is the fifth fifth cars of the segment. Alfa Romeo Tonale, among the average SUVs, closes January in eighth place. Peugeot 3008 in fifth place also present in the standings. Finally, it is always marginal is the share of minivolumes and multispazio (1.8% altitude in the month, growing by 47.2%).

The Stellantis group, Overall, he totaled 41,551 registrations in the month (-15.9%), with a market share of 31.1%. There are five models of the Stellantis group in the top ten of January, with a stable Fiat Panda at the top of the ranking (13,350 units), followed, in third place, by Jeep Avenger (4,681), which recovers a position compared to the previous month, and, and to the fifth, from Citroen C3 (4,142). In sixth place is Peugeot 208 (3,726), followed, to the tenth, from Opel Corsa (2,340). The market of Dr Automobileswith its brands Dr, Evo, Sports Loquipes and ICH-X records a drop of 27.4% in the month compared to January 2024. The Molise manufacturer-concludes Anfia-constitutes 1.6% of the market in the first month of the 2025. To finish, the second -hand market totals 474,480 transfers of ownership of the gross minivultures to dealers in January 2025, 3.3% more than in January 2024.

UNRAE It is expected as a minimum objective, at European level, a clear and stable regulatory framework that addresses the choices of producers and consumers in a pragmatic way, and which creates the qualifying conditions for an effective take -off of the ecological transition. “It is a positive fact – underlines the President of UNRAE, Michele Crisci – that the introduction of pan -European incentives is being evaluated, rather than relying only on national measures that create a fragmentation of the market. In addition, we welcome the commission’s availability to introduce flexibility in applying sanctions for the overflow of targets on CO2 emissions. We ask that these interventions are defined promptly and clarity, to avoid the risk of irreversible effects “. Nationally, UNRAE reiterates the urgency of concrete measures to support the transition and renewal of the circulating park.” The current regime tax on corporate cars is inadequate and penalizing compared to other European countries – he says Cristci -. It becomes increasingly urgent to review the VAT deductibility and the deductibility of costs based on CO2 emissions, as well as reducing the amortization period to 3 years. Only in this way will it be possible to accelerate the transition to low and/or zero emissions vehicles, thus encouraging companies to invest in more sustainable mobility. Even the recent modification of the legislation on the Fringe Benefit, which even risks rewarding even the most emissive engines, requires adjustments: it must be resets based on CO2 emissions such as the previous one, with a more gradual progressiveness in the rates in order not to translate only into a increase in tax revenue “.

UNRAE It makes it known that “it will continue in the active process of collaboration with all the institutions to guarantee the adoption of correctly dismissed and well -addressed measures, which take into account the real market mechanisms and are able to support the choices of operators and customers in this delicate phase of change “.

“Beyond the working day less than in January of last year, the car market starts badly and, without the contribution of the dealer’s registration cars, it would have gone even worse. The result of January is a clear expression of confusion in conditioned consumers , as they are, from the news on the debate in progress at European level on the prospects of the Green Deal Automotive and its methods and times of development “comments on the President of Federauto Massimo Artusi. THENet at the conference “Highway and sustainability conference: the word to the market”, Artusi asks the European institutions for a change of line based on three points:
elimination of fines to manufacturers; advance to 2025 of the verification provided for by regulation C02; approach based on technological neutrality for the decarbonisation of transport.
