How does the headache go? What causes ligament pain, which foods are good for headaches?

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Headache poisons daily life, so to speak. There are some things you should pay attention to to avoid headaches.


Turkish coffee can be a good solution to relieve your headache. But with the logic that it will be good for headaches, caffeine should not be overdone. You should be careful not to exceed two cups of coffee during the day.


If you have frequent headaches, your magnesium level may be low. You can add nuts to your diet during the day and consume more dark green leafy vegetables. Most importantly, if you do not have a blood pressure problem, you can increase your magnesium level by consuming one mineral water every day.


You can consume it by throwing a few pieces of fresh ginger into the water you consume during the day. It has been proven in some studies that ginger is as good for headaches as pain relievers. At the same time, ginger is used as a very powerful natural solution to the nausea problem that sometimes brings with it.


If you have headaches caused by stress, you can get support from some herbal teas to reduce the stress in your body and calm your body. Especially fennel, lemon balm and chamomile tea, one cup a day, will help you relax and relieve your headache.


A dehydrated body can cause a headache. For this reason, consuming plenty of water during the day will help relieve and pass your headache. Do not forget that at least two liters of water you drink a day have a very high protective effect on your body health.


If it is possible to increase your oxygen intake, to go out to the open air if we are working indoors, walking will be very good for your headache.

Apart from these, also pay attention to your meal and sleep times to prevent the occurrence of headaches:

Be careful not to consume anything after 20:00 at the latest!


As much as possible, prefer the food you cook yourself rather than eating out!

And don’t forget! When you have a headache, you can try to alleviate it with natural methods instead of immediately clinging to painkillers, and you can see great benefits as a result.
