Cups in the budget of several ministries, effort requested from local communities, taxes revised upwards: here are the main measures of the draft state budget, in its version of compromise adopted Friday in joint joint committee and examined this Monday, February 3 in the National Assembly. The common text, validated on the initiative of the majority government coalition within this CMP, must be subject to deputies in the afternoon, with the use of 49.3 by Prime Minister François Bayrou as announced on Saturday, which can Always amend it until the last minute.
Income tax and large companies in 2025
The budget having been rejected in the fall by the National Assembly, the CMP largely confirmed the copy adopted on January 23 in the Senate, a version generally faithful to the initial proposals of ex-Prime Minister Michel Barnier, taken up by François Bayrou, in particular on revenues.
There are therefore measures announced in the fall, such as the temporary effort on the wealthiest household income tax (2 billion euros expected) and the “exceptional contribution” on the profits of large companies (8 billions). This effort was limited to the year 2025 alone, against 2026 in the “Barnier version”. The increase to 0.4 % of the tax on financial transactions, deemed insufficient by the Socialist Party in recent days has also been confirmed.
Taxes on thermal cars and the plane
Other arrangements selected: a reinforced penalty on the purchase of thermal cars, an increased taxation on share buybacks and gas boilers, an exceptional tax on the CMA-CGM shipowner, also brought back to one year and not two. The parliamentarians also found a compromise on the increase in the tax tickets, which would drop from 2.63 euros to 7.30 euros for a ticket in economy class to France or Europe, while the government aimed at 9.50 euros. The system would bring 800 to 850 million euros to the State, calculates a parliamentarian.
Cuts in the budget of several ministries
The Bayrou government, which wants to bring the public deficit to 5.4 % of GDP in 2025, has enrolled numerous plane strokes in the budget of several ministries. Public aid for development, ecology, culture, agriculture, research and higher education … The cuts amount to several hundred millions of euros each time, despite some gestures on the prevention of natural disasters, the Green Fund or the Budget of Enthus -Mer, revalued to meet in particular the need for reconstruction of Mayotte.
2.2 billion less for local communities
The financial effort requested from local authorities has been stabilized for several weeks on the Senate version, or around 2.2 billion euros. With, for departments, the possibility of raising the tax ceiling on real estate transactions (DMTO) of 0.5 points, except for first-time buyers. For regions, the possibility of leaving companies a “mobility payment” up to 0.2 %, voted in the Senate, saw its rate reduced to 0.15 %. The Government has also given up extending three days of caution of civil servants in the event of sick leave, but the compensation rate was reduced to 90 % instead of 100 %.
50 million taken from the education budget
Parliamentarians have enrolled in the budget marble the promise of François Bayrou to restore 4,000 teachers … but with constant budget: the necessary 50 million euros will be levied elsewhere in the education budget. Denounced by all the oppositions for its cost and lack of efficiency, the universal national service (SNU) has seen its credits decrease, still resisting an outright suppression.
The credits of the organic agency, suppressed in the Senate, were also restored, as promised by the government. The sports budget, which the government had planned to decrease in recent days despite the sling in the sector, has been sanctuarized in its version offered in the fall, already significantly reduced compared to 2024.
The reduced soul
Several sensitive points have been arbitrated by the CMP, notably on the budget for state medical aid (AME, care for foreigners in an irregular situation), reduced by 111 million euros compared to the budget of Michel Barnier, for the Maintain at 2024 (approximately 1.3 billion), a measure criticized by the socialists.
The advantages of ex-presidents and prime ministers maintained
The amendment voted in the Senate aimed at removing the privileges granted to former presidents and prime ministers was finally suppressed in joint joint committee on Friday. The proposal carried by senator Nathalie Goulet was aimed at the economy of 2.74 million euros by putting an end to these advantages, including for example the possibility of having a car with driver or to benefit from a private secretary for ten years .
Risk of censorship
Not benefiting from the majority, Prime Minister François Bayrou announced on Saturday that he would use for the first time in article 49 paragraph 3 of the Constitution to have his text adopted, opening the door to a left censorship motion at the end of an uncertain.
For the rebels, this draft budget indeed bears “the austerity brand of the government of François Bayrou”, criticized the president of the finance committee Éric Coquerel (LFI) on Friday. Insoumise France has long announced a motion of censorship, which should vote on communist and environmentalists on Wednesday. The possibility whether or not it is adopted will depend on the position of the RN and the PS.