He said that the lines in the Kaş region were not a better cardiovascular risk assessment method than existing methods such as blood pressure and lipid profiles, but they could give an earlier warning sign at a simple glance at low cost. The study, which was presented at the European Cardiology Association (ESC) Congress held in Munich in 2019, could not find a definite reason for the connection, but it theorizes that it may be related to atherosclerosis (vascular stiffness) or the hardening of the arteries due to plaque accumulation.
Atherosclerosis contributes greatly to heart attacks and other cardiovascular events, and changes in collagen protein and oxidative stress appear to play a role in both atherosclerosis and wrinkles. In addition, the blood vessels in the forehead are so small that they may be more sensitive to plaque formation, which means that wrinkles may be one of the early symptoms of vascular aging.
3200 people were followed for 20 years
In the study, a group of 32, 42, 52 and 62 years old and all healthy, all of them, were analyzed. They were examined by doctors who appointed points according to the number and depth of wrinkles in their foreheads.
Zero points meant that there was no wrinkle, while three points meant a large number of deep wrinkles. The participants were followed for 20 years and during this time, 233 died for various reasons. 15.2 %of them had two and three points wrinkles, 6.6 %had one point wrinkle and 2.1 %had no wrinkles.
The risk of death was 10 times more
The authors found that people with a wrinkle score were slightly higher than those who do not have wrinkles. After adjustments for age, gender, education, smoking, blood pressure, heart rate, diabetes and lipid levels, the risk of dying two and three of the wrinkles score was almost 10 times more than 10 times more.
French doctor, the author of the study, “the higher your wrinkle score, the higher your risk of cardiovascular death. The higher your risk of risk factors such as high cholesterol or hypertension. can give. ” he said.