The biologist about “the larva from hell” – “Don’t cuddle with it”

“Provides severe itching” • To think about if you get in the vicinity

“The larva from hell” – so described the fuzzy larva found in Denmark, according to Danish media.
The fuzzy caterpillar can cause rash and difficulty breathing.
– Don’t cuddle with larvae when you don’t know what kind of caterpillar, says Didrik Vanhoenacker, on -call biologist Natural History National Museum.

The oak detection spinner has reached the Danish Odense, where 800 larvoons were found. The caterpillar’s hairs should feel like rubbing against nettles and can cause rashes, itching and respiratory problems.

– There are different hairy larvae. Most do not have toxic hair. They are just hairy for it to be uncomfortable for birds to eat them. But there are some that can cause itching and eczema, and this one that gives severe itching. And is not so fun to get in the eyes or the airways either, says Didrik Vanhoenacker in News Morning.

Close relative is found on southern Gotland and northern Öland

The oak detection spinner is closely related to the pine professional spinner, a species already on southern Gotland and in northern Öland. The oak process spinner is not in Sweden now, but adult butterflies have been found before.

– It is a butterfly species that is on the continent, but which has now been discovered in Denmark. Adult butterflies have been found a couple of times in Skåne, but then people have set up UV lamps and attracted butterflies at night. Then it has been found occasionally but it is not in Sweden now.

To think about if one gets in the vicinity of the caterpillar

Vanhoenacker tells us that the oak procession spinner’s nest is similar to a hairy tennis ball and sits up in oaks. If you are in a forest among these, you should be careful.

– If it is a windy day, then it can blow down hair from these nest. Then you also have to be a little cautious. You may not have to climb or play or coffee under such a tree.

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