Beware of cough that is frequently encountered in winter. Chest Diseases Specialist Nurşen Avkan made statements about the measures to be taken about cough in winter.
Symptoms of serious health problems
Uzm warned that the cough may be a symptom of serious health problems underlying. Dr. Nurşen Avkan, “Cough frequently encountered in winter, can become a disturbing situation for many people.
Attention if it takes more than a week
Cough, especially in cold weather, is often associated with upper respiratory tract infections, but may also be a harbinger of chronic disorders such as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis or allergic reactions. Therefore, if cough lasts more than a week, a specialist must be consulted, “he said.
These individuals are more sensitive
In winter, air pollution and the increase in the time spent in closed areas are among the factors that trigger cough. Dr. Nurşen Avkan, “Especially asthma patients and allergic individuals, cold weather and dry environments can be more sensitive. These people should be careful and preventive measures when necessary. Also, regular exercise and healthy eating will strengthen the immune system,” he said.
Do not try treatment methods on your own
Uzm, who suggests patients to consult a doctor if the cough continues. Dr. Nurşen Avkan made the following advice:
“Instead of trying treatment methods on your own, taking expert opinion will always be a healthier approach. It is important to make the necessary examinations to determine the cause of the cough. Early diagnosis and treatment may affect the course of many diseases positively.”