LGBT and transgender are now on the list of prohibited words in US health agencies – surveys were removed from the network | Foreign countries

LGBT and transgender are now on the list of prohibited

Federal bread researchers need to censor their studies so that they do not contain, for example, transgender or non-bibs.

2.2. 18: 45 • Updated 2.2. 21:37

The US Disease Center CDC and other federal health authorities have removed the content from their website that wars the president Donald Trump against a new order. According to the order, there are only two sexes, a man and a woman.

At the same time, the federal state stops using the word Gender as a gender term and restores the word sex. Authorities must also remove a material that refers to gender identity.

This has resulted in the fact that the CDC website has lost, among other things, HIV statistics on transgender people. At the same time, more general information about HIV has been removed, such as instructions on how to apply for a HIV test.

There is also a database that followed the behavioral patterns of young people’s health risks.

Scientists need to censor their work

Inside Medicine -The publication reports that the CDC’s own researchers also need to withdraw or re -examine their studies that have used certain words. For example, the list of prohibited words includes transsexual, LGBT, a biological man and a non-bodies.

The provision applies to all studies that have not yet been published. Even if the study has been approved for publication, for example in a science magazine but not yet published, it must be withdrawn.

Additional confusion is caused by denying the word gender because it has often been used in studies as synonymous with the word sex. If Gender needs to censor, many covid, cancer or heart disease surveys will not be published, writes Inside Medicine.

Data charging starts started

The disappearance of studies and statistics on the health authorities’ website has made US researchers concern. For example, many use CDC data in their studies.

The Journalist’s Resource -The publication reports that a group of researchers and students gathered over the weekend to download the data on the authorities’ website. They work at Harvard Th Chan School of Public Health and are afraid that more data will disappear in the next few days.

Source: Reuters
