(Finance) – La Commission European approves the new measures with which Italy supports theemployment of women and young people and opens the way for the approval of the implementing decrees of the youth and women bonuses foreseen Dalodecrete cohesion (Legislative Decree no. 60/2024, converted with modifications in the law of 4 July 2024 n. 95). The provisions notified to the Commission provide for an expense of 1.1 billion eurospartly financed through the ESF+, for the contribution exemption recognized to employers in the event of hiring, by 31 December 2025, of young people under 35 years never contractized indefinitely and women, residing in the South, without a regular use in the previous semester. The exemption has a maximum roof of 500 euros per month for a single worker, who climbs a 650 euros per month in the case of young people residing in the South and women.
The European Commission authorized the measure Italian as a state aid in favor of the employment compatible pursuant to article 107 (3) (c) of the functioning of the European Union (TFEU). An important milestone for the Minister of Labor and Social Policies and for the Minister of European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and PNRR Since it is the first authorization decision obtained outside of temporary paintings, with more rigorous rules than those applicable in the period of the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. This result, achieved in the context of a more stringent regulatory framework, is therefore even more significant than the authorizations obtained in the past.
For the European Commission, the measures are necessary, appropriate and proportionate to achieve the objective as well as containing the sufficient guarantees to avoid abuse and distortions of the competition.
The Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Navy Cauldronhe said: “The approval by the European Commission of our measures in favor of women and young people contained in the cohesion decree is a success for the Meloni government and a great opportunity for the whole country. We will be able to give new tools to young people and To enter the world of work and from the combination of the various measures we plan to create up to 180,000 new permanent jobs. ‘It is still so much to do and young people and women are the true added values that can give an additional push to the participation of increasingly Italians in our world of work, thus strengthening our productive fabric. and the managers of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, in particular the Legislative Office, for having reached this goal so important for our country. A heartfelt thanks also to our permanent representation in Brussels for the valuable contribution to the result “.
The Minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and PNRR, Thomas Fotsaid: “The investment of 1.1 billion euros, provided for by the Cohesion Decree no. 60/2024, to encourage and support the work of southern women, young people and the most disadvantaged categories, financed partly by the fund FSE+, it is an important step forward to create new permanent job opportunities and thus strengthen employment policies in our nation, reducing territorial gaps. Meloni government but throughout the European Union “.
It should be noted that the support plan The employment provided for by the Cohesion Decree contains a series of further incentives, built in compliance with the state aid legislation but exempt from the preventive authorization of the European Commission, in favor of young people and women throughout the national territory both in relation to the activity of employee work both for self-employment activities (entrepreneurial and freelance) as well as in favor of long-term unemployed in the South.