The paddle grew big in Sweden and new halls grew around the country.
– Many may think they would make quick money. But as a business concept, it may not work if you count on full occupancy all the time, he says.
Investments were made in outdoor and indoor courses. The trend was clear. It was considered a sport for everyone. Easier than tennis.
Large over -establishment
But then it said stop.
– It has been an over -establishment without its like, says Mattias Eriksson.
Companies that have invested have gone bankrupt. Demand has not matched the large supply, he says.
Municipalities that run paddle courts
Some municipalities have chosen to invest in paddle. He himself has been involved in installing municipal courses in Kramfors and in Hällefors.
– There have been more municipalities now that you can buy used courses.
Buy expensive when it’s cheap?
As SVT Västernorrland has told, Kramfors municipality last year bought used courses from a local company for SEK 210,000 each, largely comparable to a new price.
– I had not recommended that they buy such paths today for that money, he says.
What does the future of the sport look like? In the video, Mattias Eriksson tells what has happened and where the demand for paths is starting to increase.