Analysis: In Germany, the mother of all political crises – cooperation with the far right was too much for many Foreign countries

Analysis In Germany the mother of all political crises

The decision of the center-right CDU to make an immigration policy with the support of the AfD party is shaking the election campaign, writes Anna Karismo, a European correspondent.

Anna Karismouroppi Correspondent

17: 57 • Updated 18:23

Berlin Rarely has the mind in Germany as much as these days.

During the weekend, Berlin alone hosts dozens of protests against anger, AFD and the extreme right, or for the preservation of a political firewall. Already on Thursday night, thousands of people in many German cities went to the barricades for the same reasons.

All marches have the same destination: rely on the German center -right CDU party to stop its immigration policy with the support of the extreme right -wing AfD, the Alternative to Germany party.

Government negotiations become more difficult

The situation has become so bad that several SPDs and Greens MPs refuse to consider cooperation with CDU Federal Chancellor Friedrich Merzin With the election.

In Germany, the federation elections will be held in more than three weeks.

“I would never be able to vote for the Chancellor of Friedrich Merz, who prefer to vote with Nazis rather than negoti with the Democrats,” said, for example, a representative of the Greens Katrin Schmidberger.

However, the fact is that new ones According to opinion polls a clear majority of Germans – even a Chancellor of Chancellor Olaf Scholzin More than half of the SPD supporters – supports Merz’s tightening of immigration.

CDU plays gambling

Baking the largest party in Germany as a polling manager has quickly turned into a nightmare within the federal days.

Friedrich Merz played a gambling in immigration policy and has now received an unprecedented storm of opposition.

On Wednesday, the CDU deliberately broke the famous “firewall”, which means refusing to cooperate with the extreme right in all circumstances. With AFD support, the party received a resolution throughout the federal days to put pressure on the German government to tighten immigration laws.

On Friday, the Federal Days voted on a law change aimed at clearly restricting imports. The change did not go through because SPD, Greens and Linke opposed the change.

For example, the law would have given the federal police special rights to be adopted and paperless to be expelled.

Merz deceived his promise of firewall

Until now, the old parties have considered AfD’s extreme right -wing as a threat to German democracy because of the country’s nazi.

Firewall means that moderate downtown parties only try to find coalings and avoid situations where AFD’s voices are crucial.

This is how Merz himself promised to last in November. He said he would take only things to the CDU’s agenda until the CDU agenda that SPD and the Greens accept.

“The majority of accidentally or actually achieved with AfD must not be born,” Merz emphasized last year.

Now the line changed. CDU resorted to AfD support – and even in immigration policy, the main topic of far -right and racists.

Even former CDU’s Chancellor of CDU Angela Merkel condemned Merz’s cooperation with AfD.

Merz is between three fires

Merz is now between three fires.

On the other hand, the neck of immigration, partly a far -right party AFD, breathes anti -immigration.

Its popularity has become trendy after recent violence caused by recent foreigners, where several people have died. CDU’s support has deteriorated the same extent – though it is still by far the largest party.

On the other hand, Merz is persecuted by his party fellow, Chancellor Merkel’s generous policy, which raised migration to the focal point in Germany. During Merkel, Germany received more than one million asylum seekers in a short period of time, mainly from Syria and Afghanistan.

Third, Merz’s situation is awkward on the EU, as his plans are at odds with European legislation.

Germany would permanently restore border controls and categorically reject any “illegal” arrivals, including asylum seekers. In practice, this would mean preventing all the entry, whereby the responsibility for people would be transferred to the neighboring countries of Germany.

The effects also appear in the EU

Immigration freezing would be very likely to lead to a divorce among European countries. This would, in turn, contradict Merz’s own European plans.

Merz would like not only to summarize the European Union’s immigration policy, but also to create a more dense front of the US President Donald Trump to respond to threatening.

In the eyes of Merz’s opponents, tightening the rules of immigration means that the largest EU country would openly break the EU law, “what has only done only Viktor Orbán ”. This is what the current Chancellor said Olaf Scholz Federal days on Wednesday.

Greens’ Chancellor of Chancellor Robert Habeck Called by calling the project racist.
