FS Italiane, Torchia: “The Group’s support for the Race for the Cure is strengthened”

FS Italiane Torchia The Groups support for the Race for

(Finance) – The FS Group is confirmed as one of the major supporters of Race for the Curethe largest event for the fight against breast cancer in Italy and in the world, organized bySusan G. Komen Italy Association. In the first stage of the 2022 edition, which will take place in Rome at the Circus Maximus from 5 to 8 May, the FS Award for scientific research to two researchers engaged in the fight against breast cancer. The event – presented this morning in Rome, at the Coni Hall of Honor – is also promoted through on-board monitors on Trenitalia’s Frecce and Regional trains and on the FS Group’s media channels. Furthermore, an internal communication campaign invites employees to join the FS team, or to make a donation to support the activities of the Susan G. Komen Italia Association.

The partnership consolidates FS Italiane’s commitment to the Race for the Cure. For ten years, in fact, the women and men of the Group have participated in the charity run, contributing to fundraising. For nine consecutive years the FS team was among the most numerous. In 2021 the Group received a commemorative plaque for the precious contribution of all those who made a donation, ranking as the first donor with around 20 thousand euros raised.

The Race for the Cure 2022 and the Health Villages are back in presence in seven cities with the aim of demonstrating the importance of prevention, promoting a healthy lifestyle and raising funds to carry out research and support projects for women experiencing breast cancer. After Romethe event will come to Bari (May 13-15), Naples (May 20-22), Bologna (September 16-18), Brescia (September 23-25), Matera (September 30-October 2) and Pescara (October 7-9). The Health Villages will offer free breast, gynecological and other diseases prevalent in women screenings and will host free workshops on fitness, sport, healthy nutrition and psychological well-being.

“The FS Italiane Group has chosen to enthusiastically support this initiative, a virtuous example of how companies can positively contribute to the dissemination of the culture of prevention – said Luca Torchia, chief communication officer of FS Italiane, interviewed on the sidelines of the event -. To further strengthen our commitment, alongside Race for the Cure and the Susan G. Komen Italia Association, we have decided to establish the FS Award for scientific research. The protection of well-being and health, starting with that of colleagues in the FS Group, is in fact part of our business culture and is a founding principle of the social and industrial identity of FS “.

The FS Group is a partner of Race for the Cure. How is support for this initiative born?

“This is a value initiative that the FS Group cares a lot about. For the first time this year the Group is present in an institutional manner but in the previous nine years Ferrovie dello Stato has given a significant presence to the race through colleagues and colleagues who they participated by forming their own team. For ten years the commitment of Ferrovie dello Stato has been insisting on this initiative which we care about because it is significantly close to protecting women’s health “.

This year you have also established the “FS Award”. What is it about?

“It is a prize for scientific research that Ferrovie dello Stato will assign as part of this initiative. The prize aims to be an instrument of contribution to research efforts to finally get to the defeat of this disease. It is, therefore, an instrument for the protection of prevention and women’s health “.
