Behind a head of state, what is hiding at the Élysée?

Will there be a presidential campaign

After tomorrow at this same time, on RFI, it will be the start of the election evening that I will have the pleasure of presenting. At 8 p.m., the announcement of who will win the most votes from French voters to become head of state. There will be the first declarations and the satisfactions of the supporters and in the days which will follow the caremony of investiture for who will spend the next 5 years at the Elysée.

The Elysee! Place of power with the Council of Ministers every Wednesday, official and secret meetings in terms of politics. The Elysée is also a city, a small town of 800 inhabitants with jobs in the field: baker, gardener, usher. What do you need to know about the Elysée? It is now on RFI.

With our guests :

Emery Doligeauthor of “Les invisibles de l’Elysée” at Presses de la cité

John Garrigueshistorian, chairman of the parliamentary history committee

Patrick Cavenairauthor of “The demons of the Elysée” published by Ramsey
