Prescription -free medicine, intended to, for example, relieve headaches and mild pain, can cause poisoning. In fact, paracetamol is by far the most common drug in self -destructive actions among young people.
At the same time, a new Novus survey, conducted on behalf of the Swedish Medicines Agency, shows that only one in ten teenage parents lock in the medicine stored at home.
– This is probably because there is an ignorance that even ordinary non -prescription medications can be used in self -harm documents. Every year we get an average of 6,500 calls about young people who hurt themselves with medication. In the vast majority of cases, these are drugs that existed in the home. If you are unlucky it can go really badly, says Shahabeh Shokrolahi At the Gift Information Center, which since 2009 is part of the Swedish Medicines Agency, in a press release.
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Hit you can turn around if you feel bad
SOS Alarm, phone number: 112. In emergency situations or in thoughts of suicide, always call 112.Mind suicide line, phone number: 90101. The line of support for people with suicidal thoughts that are open around the clock. Chat is also available through the website: chat.mind.seSPES-Suicide prevention and survivor’s support, telephone number: 020-18 18 00. The telephone line is open every day at 19-22.Care guide, telephone number: 1177. Healthcare advice that can provide information about the nearest psychiatric emergency room. Homepage: www.1177.seOn -call friend. Receives chat calls from children and young people up to 25 years. The chat is open Monday-Friday at 18-222 and at 14-18 during weekends. Homepage: Jourhadekompis.seOn -call fellow, telephone number: 08 – 702 16 18. The telephone line is open at 21-06. Chat is also available, at 21-24 Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, via the website (Children’s Rights in Society), Telephone number: 116 111. Telephone call around the clock every day of the week. Chat is also available through Barn.bris.seFriends, phone number: 08 – 545 519 90. The telephone line is open Monday-Friday at 9-12. Between 9-16 on weekdays, you can also get email contact via rad [email protected]Women’s Frid Line, Phone Number: 020 – 50 50. Telephone line for those who have been exposed to physical, sexual or mental violence. The line is open around the clock.Don’t miss: New rules for pharmacies – you are affected as a customer
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Home’s medicines are a risk
This week, the Poison Information Center therefore goes out with a campaign where it is hoped to get more teenage parents to store medication locked up.
– As a parent, most people know a great responsibility for child -proofing the home when the children are small, with protection against sharp table corners, stair gates and lock barriers on drawers or cabinet doors. But when your child becomes a teenager, you may need to secure the home against new risks. Such a risk is the home’s medicines. Make sure your teen can not get hold of a large amount of medicine at the wrong time, says Shahabeh Shokrolahi in the press release.
Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT
In addition to storing medicines safely, the Poison Information Center comes with several other advice:
As an adult, one should be the one who oversees and distributes medicine to children and adolescents in the family. It also means that one should be aware of the number of tablets in different drug packaging – even the prescription -free.Submit medicines that have passed the expiry date or that is no longer used for a pharmacy.Inform other relatives of how medicines should be stored if you know that you have a child with self -harm behavior.Ask the doctor to prescribe the prescription that it should be clear that the drug can only be collected by the guardian. You can also ask the doctor to state an expedition interval, so that it is limited how often the drug can be collected. Read more: News Today – Current news from Sweden and the world
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