This type of cancer is no longer just old age disease! Global increase

This type of cancer is no longer just a disease

Prof. Dr. Cem Terzi said, “Unfortunately, alarm ringing for young adults. According to a study published in 2023, one of the 10 patients with 10 large bowel cancer patients in 1995 is under 55 years of age. Colonoscopy is a great tool for prevention and early diagnosis of colorectal cancer, but we cannot benefit enough. ” he said.

Mother and her brother lost

Onur Cevheroglu (26) living in Mardin (26) Stay out of life intestinal cancer He said his diagnosis was made in December 2023. Onur Cevheroğlu stated that the family of large bowel cancer was seen in his family for the first time in his mother Sadiye, and then the same diagnosis was received by his brother Ferhat and said: “I lost my mother from this disease when I was 24 years old. I was 18 when I lost my mother, 2 when I lost my brother. After my brother was diagnosed, I was colonoscopy, it was clean. Then I didn’t have any other examinations. I had appendicitis surgery in December 2023, colonoscopy was performed on the problems I experienced in this process and I was diagnosed with large bowel cancer. It appeared by chance. The third stage.

intestinal health

In January 2024 I came to Izmir to Izmir. Prof. Dr. Cem Terzi performed my surgery, then I returned to the country. After the surgery, I saw chemotherapy in Diyarbakır. At the end of 12 cures, I was called for a control every 3 months. In the PET CT, which was taken for control, relapse was detected in lymph, and at the end of last December, I lay on the operating table once again. I’m fine now. One girl has three brothers. All of them were colonoscopy and normal. However, this time we will not leave the measure and we will have the necessary checks on time. After what happened to me, I once again understood how important the controls were. We do not give the value we give to our cars to ourselves, we control the cars and ignore ourselves. However, we do not lose anything with the control I will do once a year, but we gain our health and life. ”

Large bowel cancer is no longer not only old age disease

column intestine

On the other hand, Acıbadem City Hospital General Surgery Specialist KolerekTAL Surgeon. Dr. Cem Terzi said that his patient Onur Cevheroğlu is a exemplary case as a young adult. Cevheroğlu’da only complaint is abdominal pain, after the appendicitis surgery did not pass by colonoscopy by coincidence that the diagnosis of a large intestine. Dr. Tailor continued as follows:

“The condition of our patient is now good. For the first time in 18-19 years of age, everything did not bring the rest again when it comes out. However, if there is a genetic risk, colonoscopy in healthy people should be done every 5 years. This is the case that we should not see the importance of colonoscopy for the early diagnosis; The causes of large intestinal cancer should be understood.

Doctor 3

Early -onset colorectal cancer, also called large bowel cancer (colorectal cancer), which starts at a young age, is defined as large bowel cancer diagnosed in individuals under 50 years of age. Early -onset colorectal cancers increase globally. In the United States (USA), it is estimated that the most important cause of cancer-related deaths in individuals between the ages of 20-49 by 2030 is estimated to be large bowel cancers. This is a very new and scary development. Cancer statistics in our country are not at the desired level. Therefore, we often benefit from Western sources.

According to a study published by the American Cancer Association in 2023, one of the 10 patients with 10 small intestinal cancer patients in 1995 is under 55 years of age, while one -fifth of the patients diagnosed today are under this age. Another worrying situation increases in advanced cancer cases. Although colonoscopy is a scanning method that can detect and eliminate pre -cancer lesions, the rate of advanced case rather than early diagnosis increases. However, colonoscopy is a great tool for colorectal cancer prevention and early diagnosis. We can’t get enough of this. In patients receiving early diagnosis of large bowel cancer, the rate of completely relief from this disease is 90 percent in developed countries. Unfortunately, we cannot offer this opportunity to patients. “

Complaints in young patients

intestine colon

If there are symptoms such as bleeding from the breech and irreparable iron deficiency in a patient, it should be investigated whether there is cancer independently of the age. Dr. Cem Terzi continued his words as follows: ında In 30 percent of patients, genetic damage in DNA passes from generation to generation, and they are hereditary large bowel cancers. In the remaining 70 percent patients, genetic damage in DNA occurs with environmental factors such as air pollution. The most common symptoms of colorectal cancer in young patients are abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, frequency of defecation, stool size or appearance and bleeding from the breech.

Bleeding from the breech occurs in 26 percent of cases in adults over the age of 50 and 46 percent of young cases. Young people tend to assume that they are healthy because of their youth. Therefore, although there are some symptoms, they do not take them seriously. Another problem is that individuals are ashamed of expressing symptoms of anus or defecation. Physicians need to take symptoms seriously in young adults. A young patient is given only hemorrhoid treatment, but the emergence of metastatic colon cancer after a few months. For this reason, not only a hidden blood test in feces, but also colonoscopy should be performed in a patient with complaints. ”

