The parliamentary work on the budget continues. The seven deputies and the seven senators gathered in a joint joint committee (CMP) this Thursday, January 30, tried to find compromises on the 2025 finance bill. Unsurprisingly, the CMP adopted at the start of the evening the “Revenue” part PLF. Parliamentarians will continue their “expenses” aspects on Friday.
On the first part of the PLF, a text which had been rejected as a whole in the fall by the National Assembly, the CMP largely confirmed the copy adopted on January 23 in the Senate. This version is generally quite faithful to the initial proposals made by former Prime Minister Michel Barnier, taken up by François Bayrou.
Reinforced penalty on the purchase of thermal cars
Measures announced in the fall, such as the temporary effort on the wealthiest household income tax (2 billion euros expected) and the “exceptional contribution” on the profits of large companies (8 billion), therefore are indeed in this new version. The new government nevertheless intends to limit this effort to the year 2025 alone, against 2026 in the “Mounding Barnier”. The CMP has acted this adjustment, according to parliamentary sources.
Other proposals included in the text: a reinforced penalty on the purchase of thermal cars, a taxation increased on action buybacks and gas boilers, an exceptional tax on the CMA-CGM shipowner. The latter was also limited by the CMP in the year 2025 alone, against two years in the copy of the Senate. The increase to 0.4 % of the tax on financial transactions, deemed insufficient by the Socialist Party in recent days, has also been confirmed in the draft compromise.
The parliamentarians also found a compromise on the increase in the tax tickets, which would drop from 2.63 euros to 7.30 euros for a ticket in economy class to France or Europe, while the government aimed at 9.50 euros initially. Overall, the system would bring about 800 to 850 million euros to the State, calculates a parliamentarian.
Planer strokes in budgets
The Bayrou government, which aims at 32 billion savings on the side dedicated to spending to bring the deficit to 5.4 % of GDP in 2025, has already enrolled numerous plane strokes in the budget of several ministries. Public aid for development, ecology, culture, research and higher education … The cuts amount to several hundred million euros each time, despite some gestures on the prevention of natural disasters, the bike plan or the budget of the besides -Mer, upgraded to respond in particular to the reconstruction of Mayotte.
On this subject, the decrease in expenditure linked to the ecological transition ulcered the left, which still hopes for concessions on this point. The financial effort requested from local authorities, it has been stabilized for several weeks on the version of the Senate, or around 2.2 billion euros requested from the territories. With, for departments, the possibility of raising the ceiling for notaries (DMTO) of 0.5 %, except for first-time buyers.
Friction points still to come
Several sensitive points must still be arbitrated by the CMP to lead to a final copy likely to withstand censorship. The abolition by the Senate of the credits of the organic agency, to which the government has promised to return, is one. Same thing on the Universal National Service (SNU), flagship proposition of Macronie almost suppressed by the Senate. According to a CMP negotiator, the credits of this program should however be partially restored, a concession made by the right to macronists in exchange for “support very sensitive to the sports budget”, whose reduction goes wrong.
Even more flammable in the current context, the reduction of the budget for state medical aid (AME) for the urgent care of undocumented migrants. The right offers a drop of 200 million euros in anticipation of a more global reform of the “basket of care” concerned by the AME. An “absolute red line” for the left. But the CMP could ultimately lead to this decrease, with the support of the RN to LR. On the other hand, parliamentarians are preparing to include François Bayrou’s promise on the budget marble on National Education by restoring the 4,000 teachers that Michel Barnier wanted to delete.