World Earth Day, FS Italiane renews its commitment to sustainability

World Earth Day FS Italiane renews its commitment to sustainability

(Finance) – The FS Italiane Group led by Luigi Ferraris renews his commitment to sustainability on the occasion of the World Earth Day and focus on urban regeneration in a sustainable key, which is also at the heart of its Industrial Plan. Large cities – recalls FSNews, the FS Italiane Group’s information portal – are responsible for 40% of the use of energy produced and for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions.

The Group believes it can have a significant impact, both through a virtuous reuse of real estate assets be incentivizing the use of the trainas a means of transport with a lower environmental impact, and intermodality (pedestrian, bicycle, electric car sharing, LPT).

About the recovery and enhancement of real estate, they were granted on loan for use to local authorities about 400 stationsto carry out charitable and solidarity activities, to relaunch tourism and the territory or for services in favor of citizenship.

Focus also on the energy and digital transitionwith initiatives ranging from experimenting with alternative fuels for the traction of trains to contain consumption. And then again initiatives aimed atself-production of energy and toabatement of emissions also through green strategies. There are approximately 30 million square meters of land in areas adjacent to roads and railways that could be used to produce clean energy, new plantings, green corridors and cycle paths.

Among the main results achieved by the FS Group is the improvement of the emissions trend – 2.06 million tons of CO2 equivalent against 2.8 million tons in 2020 – obtained thanks to fleet renewal and the choice of increasingly ecological means. Among these the Frecciarossa 1000lighter than the previous one and 94% recyclable and, in regional transport, to trains Pop and Rockwhich allow a 30% reduction in energy consumption and are recyclable up to 97%, eg to the train Bluestriple power hybrid.

Through the Anas the FS Italiane Group also works to make more sustainable roads and tunnels and to carry out the project well in advance in Europe Smart Road. The goal is to provide the country with a road network equipped with electric power, assisted driving and more, as in the case of self-driving vehicles. Also noteworthy are the Green Island Anasareas located along the Smart Roads where clean energy will be distributed, and the Green light projectto replace obsolete lighting fixtures with latest generation LEDs in tunnels.
