Odense Municipality is now taking help from experts both in Denmark and abroad to know how to get rid of the larvae, reports TV2 Funen.
It is called Ekcession Pinner and is mainly found on the Iberian Peninsula with a further distribution up through large parts of Central Europe.
In Denmark and Skåne, occasional finds have been made before according to ArtDatabanken. But in Denmark, this is the first time that such large concentrations have been found.
– Since we import echoes from the south, we have expected the larva to be introduced at any time, says associate professor Emeritus Hans Peter Ravn at the University of Copenhagen to the Ritzau news agency.
The larvae of the larvae can loosen up with light touch or just by moving the larvae. The hair can spread several kilometers with the wind and can cause painful and severe injuries.
The larvae develop into swamps – which are completely harmless.