Boualem Naman had been expelled, but was quickly sent back to France. Justice ended up deciding: Bruno Retailleau should not have triggered an absolute emergency removal procedure.
Justice has proven Bruno Retailleau wrong. On January 9, Boualem Naman, known by the pseudonym “Doualmen” on Tiktok, was expelled to Algiers following remarks made in a video published on the social network and its arrest on January 5. Arrived in his country of origin, he was “prohibited from territory”, according to the French Ministry of the Interior, and returned directly to Paris. All under the bottom of the diplomatic crisis between Paris and Algiers since Emmanuel Macron positioned himself in favor of Morocco on the question of Western Sahara.
Boualem Naman was placed in an administrative detention center (CRA) in Nîmes, while waiting to find a solution. Indeed, his referral to France accentuated the diplomatic crisis between France and Algeria. In addition, without the possibility of sending him back to Algiers, French justice had to decide.
The Minister of the Interior contradicts
The court judged on Wednesday, January 29, that the facts alleged against the influencer in the 168,000 subscribers are “a serious threat to public order justifying an expulsion”, but has not proved the minister right. Indeed, Bruno Retailleau had issued a ministerial decree so that the expulsion of the influencer takes place quickly. The court judged that he should not have used this removal procedure in “absolute emergency”, which “deprives the foreigner of essential guarantees”, reports The Parisian.
A position which was defended by the lawyers of Friend Boualem, Julie Gonidec and Marie David-Bellouard: “The ministerial expulsion decree targeting Boualem was suspended today by the judges of summary proceedings of the Paris administrative court gathered in training college. They have spoken today of a “Camouflet for the Minister of the Interior who heard over the minimum procedural constraints, serving his brutal offensives against foreigners and his political agenda”. The two lawyers also ensured that a release request would quickly be filed for their client.