Then you can spend most of your pension

Then you can spend most of your pension

The average life expectancy is increasing in Sweden, which is not least noticeable in municipalities and regions where more people are employed in healthcare and elderly care. Recently, with reference to Sweden’s municipalities and regions (SKR), reported that about 400,000 people need to be hired by 2031.

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Professor: Then we are in need of high pension

Based on the increased average life expectancy, more Swedes need to maintain their pension money, says Dagens Nyheter with reference to the Pensions Authority.

DN has interviewed several elderly researchers who agree that it is at the beginning of the retirement time that we need more money.

– It is at the beginning that you have power and interest, not least for traveling and doing what you want. And who is happy and happy to have collected as much as possible in the barns when you have died? If one is not to think about the heirs, of course, says Boo JohanssonProfessor emeritus at the University of Gothenburg University for aging and health, to the newspaper.

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“Many pensioners don’t think so”

Also Loretta Plattswho works as an elderly researcher at Stockholm University, is on the same track. Half of the Swedes die before the age of 80, which contributes to it being in the first years that we are most in need of a high pension.

– Over the years I have had contact with the insurance world and many people think that ‘the worst thing that can happen is that you have no money left’. But many pensioners do not think so, having a lot of money left is not so important to them when they are 85. They want to travel when both spouses are healthy. Especially couples think that ‘there are two of us’ so the risk is twice as great that something happens.

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Then you can spend the pension money

Boo Johansson believes that as long as we have a socially funded health care system with subsidies of both elderly homes and medicines, it is usually good for most people even though the pension is low.

– I can understand that economists in some sense are concerned if more people are taking a lot of pension in the beginning. But as long as we have a socially funded health care system with subsidies of everything from drugs to elderly homes, things are often done well. There are certainly those who even think “I have a lot left I get a higher fee on my elderly home”. Some degree of rationality we may attribute ourselves to DN.

In other words, one could get rid of most of the pension during the first years. And if we have not died before the money is over, there is a large safety net in Sweden.

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