In a statement made by the Ministry of Health, “Health Minister Kemal Memişoğlu’nun instructions, comprehensive inspections were initiated in public hospitals. Inspections, emergency health services, polyclinic services, patient rights, operating room, intensive care and central sterilization services such as critical and high -risk areas will concentrate in areas. After the newborn audit and evaluation scientific commission, clinical guides and control guides will be determined by creating scientific commissions in 20 different branches. ” his statements were included.
Ministry announced
In a written statement made by the Ministry, within the framework of the Circular on the regular and effective fulfillment of the audit activities of the Presidency Kemal Memişoğlu’nun instructions, stated that comprehensive inspections were initiated in public hospitals, “Ministry of Inspection Board Presidency, updating the inspection guide made the audit process more effective made the audit processes more effective In this direction, 7 pilot inspections will be inspected within the scope of the new inspection guide. The functioning of the hospitals will be meticulously examined. “
Scientific commissions will be created in 20 branches
In the audit process, scientists were also put into place in the statement, “Newborn Audit and Evaluation Scientific Commission after the scientific commission, 20 different branches by creating scientific commissions, clinical guides and audit guidelines that will improve the quality of health services are rapidly determined. Commissions, control results from a scientific perspective. , the Ministry of Health will take the necessary steps to the inspection mechanism in the coming period. (DHA)