Pär, 42, became without an ambulance – got cardiac arrest

Par 42 became without an ambulance got cardiac arrest
Lex Maria-reported twice: “My life was razed”




Helskärsmondonbladet interviewed Pär Eriksson at the hospital in Örnsköldsvik, together with wife Kristina. It had then been a few weeks since the cardiac arrest that changed his life. Now IVO has made its decision after SOS Alarm reported himself. Photo: Magnus Wennman

No ambulance was sent – despite Pär Eriksson, 42, himself called and alerted that he had “devilish pain” in the chest and back.

Now SOS Alarm will change the routines so that the mistakes will not occur again.

– It leads to it getting better for a single person, then this was not quite in vain, says Pär, who survived the cardiac arrest.

The printout from the conversations to SOS Alarm shows that electrician Pär Eriksson from Örnsköldsvik himself realized that it was serious. The pain beamed out in the back and Pär said he was “so damn worried”. The answer he got was that they were looking for a vacant ambulance.

But when Pär called back a quarter later and was even worse, SOS Alarm still had not sent any car. “We have a lot to do right now,” according to the operator.

It was an hour to the nearest emergency room. “I will not be able to drive all the way,” Pär explained on the phone, and was asked to drive home himself – a trip of 30 minutes. When Aftonbladet interviewed him afterwards, he described the journey as pure horror.

Once returning home, he suffered a cardiac arrest. Thanks to the wife’s and children’s efforts, Pär was revived and taken to the hospital where he was anesthetized and operated on.

Could have been avoided

The incident, which Lex Maria was notified to the Inspection for Health and Care, IVO, could have been avoided if the ambulance was sent directly, SOS Alarm’s own investigation states.

– I am of course grateful for the care I got. But I get so sad sometimes when I think about how terribly much suffering they caused me. It hurts to think that they didn’t think I was worth that car, says Pär Eriksson today.


Full -screens Pär woke up, the emotions were mixed. Gratitude – and horror. He was held alive with the help of heart starters, adrenaline and a compression device for over an hour. Photo: Magnus Wennman

There was an ambulance, just 40 minutes away. It could have arrived even before the cardiac arrest, according to documents from IVO.

Pär Eriksson has subsequently suffered from brain fatigue, and had difficulty for crowds and strong impressions. Going to a hockey match with the children means that he is exhausted for a day afterwards. He has so far been the job as a part -time firefighter on the shelf, and it has been tough financially – and mentally.

– That quarter, the little moment in life when they were not listening to me, has stolen me so much. When I’m tired, the feelings of anxiety, fear and bitterness come, he says.


The full-screen wife Kristina made a heart-rescue at Pär at home in the living room: “You can’t choose how to react, I’m just glad it got right,” she says today. Photo: Magnus Wennman / Magwen

After IVO’s decision, SOS Alarm will now change the routines, and introduce clearer decision support for patients who alert about pain in the back, just as Pär did. That way you should not miss next time when it comes to acute heart disease, according to SOS Alarm.

– It makes it easier to live when you know that they want to change so that others should not be affected, says Pär Eriksson.

Last week, Lex Maria also notified Region Västerbotten the incident to IVO.

Pär had urgent need for balloon enlargement of coronary vessels, PCI, but was not received at the hospital in Umeå that day due to lack of space. Instead, he had to be transported to Sundsvall, something that delayed the care.

“The patient was subjected to increased risks of serious injury,” according to the report.
