There was only a legendary monster in 2024 for 4 hours, now comes back in good

A new event is coming up in Pokémon GO. This also brings a raid boss that caused trouble last year. This time everyone can catch him.

What kind of monster is that? The legendary Pokémon Cupidos is one of the so -called “forces of nature”, which also include Boreos, Voltolos and Demeteros. It originally appeared in “Pokémon Legenden: Arceus”, last year this “Pokémon of Love” also appeared in Pokémon Go.

The problem: It only appeared on February 14th, i.e. Valentine’s Day. In addition, it was only available in top raids. They are:

  • Many trainers therefore require extremely difficult and therefore require.
  • Only challengable on site, not by Fern-Raid.
  • And they are also limited in time.
  • The raids with cupidos ran from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Overall, it was available for four hours.

    The Pokémon took part in Valentine’s Day, but it did not fit in the schedule. That caused criticism.

    That happens now: A year later, the return of Cupidos is pending. It appears for the first time as part of the event “Small but Oho”, which Pokémon Go has just announced.

    When does cupidos appear? It appears in Raids from February 6th at 10:00 a.m. This is the second day of the event. It will then remain available as RAID boss of level 5 until February 17th.

    So it can be found in the long term and in the simpler 5-raids. So you can finally catch up if you still lack it.

    But what else does the event bring? We summarize this for you here.

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    All content of “Klein, but Oho” in Pokémon Go – Cupidos, Micrick and more

    When does the event run? “Small but Oho” runs from February 5, 10:00 a.m. to February 8, 8:00 p.m. Cupidos will also be available until February 17th. However, all other bonuses only run in the event period.

    Which bonuses are there? You get double EP when catching and you get a higher chance of XXL and XXS Pokémon.

    In addition, you can officially catch Micrick as Shiny in Pokémon Go for the first time. It accidentally appeared in the game, but was then deactivated again. Now the right Shiny debut of the small insect is carried out.

    Pokémon in the wilderness: Here you will find the Pokémon, which you can do in the event in the wilderness. Possible Shinys have an asterisk*.

  • Paras*
  • NATU*
  • Burmy (plant cloak)*
  • Burmy (sandy slope)*
  • Burmy (rag mallion)*
  • Wattapf*
  • Zapplardin*
  • Flabébé (Rotblütler)* – Europe, the Middle East and Africa
  • Flabébé (Blaublütler)*-region of Asia-Pacific
  • Flabébé (yellow flower)* – American continent
  • Flabébé (Weißblütler)*
  • Flabébé (Orangeblütler)*
  • Micrick*
  • In Raids: Here you will meet Dialga* until February 6th, and then cupidos in the 5 Series Raids. The mega raids occupied Mega-Meditalis*until February 6th, after which it is replaced by mega despotar. The change is always at 10:00 a.m.

    In eggs:

  • Togepi*
  • Azurill*
  • Knospi*
  • Klingplim*
  • Psiau*
  • Dedenne*
  • Otherwise, the event will bring various field research tasks and also a temporary research. You can also conclude a collector’s challenge, and you can also deny showcases for the event. It is the first major event in the coming month. All appointments and events in February 2025 at Pokémon Go can be found here.
