It’s the best diet in the world, doctors are unanimous

Its the best diet in the world doctors are unanimous

It is one of the most studied for its health benefits.

Dash, Okinawa, anti-inflammatory diet … with so many options, not easy to choose the best diet for your health. A panel of medical and nutritional experts has done so and acclaimed a diet of which it has been proven that it “Reduces the risk of heart disease, improves brain and mental health and decreases inflammation” According to the expertise shared on the American media US News. “Our panelists have evaluated each diet in terms of nutritional exhaustiveness, risks and health benefits, long -term sustainability and effectiveness based on evidence.” And of course “The best diets are not limited to rapid weight loss”

According to the panel, the diets at the top of the ranking “Are nutritionally complete and include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals, each of them playing an essential role in body functions”. On the podium of the best health regimes, we find in third position the “flexitarian” diet, which consists of eating everything but by reducing the consumption of animal products (meat, fish …). In second position, experts acclaimed the Dash regime particularly renowned for its benefits on blood pressure.

At the top of the ranking, with a note of 4.8/5, the specialists elected for the eighth consecutive year, the diet which gives pride of place to raw or very little processed, local and seasonal products. It is one of the most studied diets in the world. In 2020, Spanish scientists For example have shown that it is associated with “Reduced mortality, with a lower incidence of non -transmitted chronic diseases and weight loss effects.” This famous diet elected as the best in the world for health is the Mediterranean regime (a time also called “Cretan diet”).

It is called because its foods are mainly present in the Mediterranean space, such as olive oil and fish. Olive oil is rich in poly-insaturated fatty acids that protect cardiovascular disease. And fatty fish, rich in omegas-3, prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson disease. It is also a diet that advocates the daily consumption of fibers to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar.

The Mediterranean regime is one of the easiest to follow because it has no restrictive approach in terms of calories and portions. Among the foods to slip into its shopping list: olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables (to eat every day), quinoa, chickpeas, lentils, oilseeds, vegetable milk, yogurt Greek, chicken and turkey, salmon and tuna, and finally eggs. Conversely, no sweets, sodas, processed foods (so no cold meats, sandwich bread, brioche, prepared dishes …) and red meat.
