Cyril Hanouna amazed a minister in his office, which he told him “bluffed” him

Cyril Hanouna amazed a minister in his office which he

Cyril Hanouna receives more and more political guests in his programs. From now on, the host is listened to by leading personalities, in particular by a Minister of State.

Cyril Hanouna, future advisor in a large ministerial cabinet? The star host of the Canal group is obviously not against a little professional change – since it is said very interested in M6’s proposals for his future on television. But if he intended to push retraining even more, it is likely that he would have his chances as a political analyst. No sarcasm in these lines: Cyril Hanouna is really taken seriously by political leaders, who listen to him carefully.

The host had surfed in recent years on a form of proximity to Emmanuel Macron, quite staged in his shows and on which the Elysée had been a bit. Since the last presidential election, the situation has changed a little: the host has had a lot of antenna time on C8 and on Europe 1 to comment on the news and to question political figures, mainly right or extreme right . Which has cooled the presidential camp a little.

But obviously, the doors of the government are still open to it. And not just any. As reported this Monday, January 27 Politicoa minister wanted to bring him to his office a few weeks ago. Bruno Retailleau, Minister of the Interior and Minister of State, excuse a little, has indeed received Cyril Hanouna, between two meetings or management of files that we imagine of the utmost importance. More surprising: we discover that during this interview, which took place last December, the minister was “amazed, according to those around him, by the analyzes of the animator”.

Politico does not say anything about the precise content of the exchanges, but there is a form of intellectual proximity between the figurehead of the Bolloré Empire and the former president of the LR group in the Senate, including conservatism and an aversion to immigration are standards. The two men get along well. So that L’Express Already wrote in December that the minister and the host had had each “love at first sight”. The newspaper made the same observation as Politico: “Bruno Retailleau very relevant the diagnosis of Cyril Hanouna on French society”. This Monday, January 27, Bruno Retailleau chose Europe 1 to comment on political news and defend his proposals to harden the conditions to emigrate to France: “We walk on the head”, by Cyril Hanouna.
