(Finance) – “The world of work is changing rapidly: by 2030, according to McKinsey, over 70% of companies will use Artificial Intelligence systems, profoundly transforming more than half of current roles. In this context, Universities are becoming increasingly central in training future professionals capable of facing the challenges of a constantly changing market Luiss Guido Carli – underlines the university in a note – responds to this need by focusing on an innovative, interdisciplinary and increasingly international approach. And also about a new entrance test. Objective: to attract and train a new generation of global leaders”.
Among them most relevant news, the University has introduced new admission methods for the three-year and single-cycle master’s degree courses in Law, in which, for the first time, candidates studying in Italy are equated with those coming from the European Union or from EU countries. ‘Schengen Area. The first session to take the EU Undergraduate Test, already open, will close on February 3rd. New entry and selection methods are also provided for non-EU students.
“Internationalisation – we read in the note – remains one of the pillars of the identity of the Free International University of Social Studies. In fact, over 50% of courses are taught in English, while collaborations with academic institutions around the world continue to grow. Currently, Luiss has a network of over 360 partner universities in 73 countries, with 69 double and triple degree agreements. Among the most innovative programs, the Triple Degree in Business ACE (America, China & Europe) stands out, which allows you to obtain three qualifications between Rome, Beijing and Washington, and the Double Degree in Social Sciences, developed in collaboration with Sciences Po The results of this strategy are also reflected in international recognition. In 2024, the University confirmed itself in first place in Italy and among the best 20 in the world for Political and International Studies according to the QS Ranking by Subject, also positioning itself in the global Top 50 for Marketing and Business & Management. The Financial Times rankings also rewarded Luiss programs: the Master’s Degree in Management is in 25th place, while the one in Corporate Finance occupies 27th position globally. Looking to the future and the growing need to integrate human and digital skills, Luiss strengthens its commitment to Artificial Intelligence, present in all courses and which, from this year, also becomes a mandatory badge for Master’s degree students of ‘AI Literacy’, designed to certify the digital skills acquired. But not only that. The University recently announced the birth of a new AI4Society research center, directed by Giuseppe Italiano, vice-rector for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Skills: an international hub for the critical and interdisciplinary study of Artificial Intelligence at the service of companies and of institutions. The strong link with the business world and the Confindustria system is also reflected in the high employment rate of graduates one year after graduation, which in 2024 is confirmed at 96%, with an average waiting time of just one month for get your first job.”
“Skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and digital skills – he explains Antonio Gullo, Dean Undergraduate School of Luiss, responsible for the Bachelor’s and Single-Cycle Master’s Degree Courses in Law – are now indispensable for building future-proof careers with an increasingly international vocation. The academic world is called to respond to the challenge of change by combining tradition and innovation, promoting active learning and synergies between teaching and research. It is crucial to promote interaction between disciplines, since contemporary complexity requires combining solid basic skills and transversal skills – from humanities to Artificial Intelligence – and promoting personalized paths, modeled on students’ professional inclinations and aspirations. This is the direction in which our University is looking: thanks to an innovative educational model, exchanges abroad and constant dialogue with businesses, we aim not only to train the future ruling class at an internal and international level, but also “global citizens “, ready to contribute positively to the development of the communities of reference”.