READ MORE: The plant expert advises: Then you should replant your monsteras after the winter
Pre-grow your plants
The reason why some seeds should be pre-grown has to do with the development time of the plants. Some simply take longer to germinate and grow. Seeds that should be sown at the beginning of the year are usually flowers and vegetables that originally come from a warmer climate than we have in the north. These seeds should therefore be grown indoors to give them a chance to cope with the Nordic climate when the warm days of spring come.
Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT
READ MORE: Then you should NEVER water your houseplant
You can sow these seven seeds right now
Be sure to start early if you want to put home-harvested strawberries on the cake this summer!
Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT & Claudio Bresciani/TT
READ MORE: Don’t forget to do this with your tomato plants
Tips for success with your plants
Source: The flower country & Nelson Garden
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