They risk being named Food Scam of the Year

“Counting sugar as fruit, with a taste of water and the cheese that almost disappeared” – this is how some of the products that risk winning the Food Scam of the Year anti-prize are described.
– The classic thing is that you have a bit of something that sounds good. Or you have a lot of something that you are ashamed of, says Björn Bernhardson, operational manager of Äkta var in Nyhetsmorgon.

This year is the tenth time that the Food Scam of the Year award has been awarded by the consumer association Äkta vara. The association pursues questions about more honest food and better food quality. Of previous years’ winners, almost all producers have acted after being awarded the not-so-flattering prize.

– You can say that the competition is a kind of voice from the consumers. It is clear that they should listen to consumers.

This year’s five finalists

Five products remain in this year’s competition, which could now become the food scam of 2024. It’s about Axa gold Fruit muesli, Alvesta ice cream & Järna ice cream (all flavors), Mutti Pizza sauce classica, Ica Pasta tortellini ricotta & spinach and Gevalia’s coffee Ebony and Milea and more.

– Mutti sells many different products. Among other things, tomatoes passed. This one is called “Pizza sauce classica”. Authentic taste of Italian pizza. It contains passed tomatoes, a little salt and water. They have taken tomatoes and diluted them with water. Now they call it pizza sauce and then it has gone up in price, says Björn Bernhardsson about the pizza sauce.

“That way, cheating would decrease”

Björn Bernhardsson says that scams in the industry are often completely legal, but that the regulations should be revised to stop the scams and make it easier for consumers.

– If the three biggest ingredients must be mentioned on the front, then the cheating would decrease on that front in any case.

Now consumers can vote for one of the five finalists for Food Scam of the Year at Genuine product website. Voting runs until January 27. In Nyhetsmorgen, the winner will be announced.

Here are the five finalists in the food scam of the year

• Axa gold Fruit muesli – Counts sugar as fruit

• Alvesta ice cream & Järna ice cream all flavors – Local that has been moved abroad

• Mutti Pizza sauce classica – With the taste of water?

• Ica Pasta tortellini ricotta & spinach – The cheese that almost disappeared

• Gevalia Ebony and Milea etc. – Shrink inflation continues

Today 07:26

Here are the products that can win the anti-prize this year’s food scam

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