Gabetti Property Solutions: Busso resigns, Speretta new CEO

Gabetti Property Solutions Busso resigns Speretta new CEO

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Gabetti Property Solutions approved an important organizational and governance reorganization of the entire Group.

The Company has received the resignation of Roberto Busso, resigned with effect from today, from the roles of CEO and director of GPS (the Group’s holding company), as well as from the other board positions held in the Group companies.

The Board of Directors of GPS, having taken note of the aforementioned resignation, having consulted the Appointments and Remuneration Policies Committee to the extent of its competence, with a resolution approved by the Board of Statutory Auditors, has co-opted Marco Speretta as a new member of the Board of Directors, also proceeding to appoint him Director Company Delegate.

The entire Board of Directors will remain in office, as expected, until the Shareholders’ Meeting which will approve the financial statements as of 31 December 2025.

Marco Speretta, in the Gabetti Group since 2007, is General Director of the Company and holds the positions of President or CEO of the Group companies in the “Real Estate Network Services” division.

“After the restructuring and relaunch of the Group, which brought us to the threshold of 200 million euros in turnover in 2023, 2024 was a year of transition which laid the foundations for facing a new phase of renewal today”, declares Fabrizio Prete, President and CEO of the Gabetti Group. “The objective is to position the Group on the market in a clear and coherent way also with respect to the new business lines and to define new strategies in line with the company’s values and the Group to which it belongs and to strengthen our leadership as a Full Service Provider in the real estate market”.
